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书名 | 语篇体裁分析--学术论文摘要的符号学意义/解放军外国语学院英语博士文库 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 于晖 |
出版社 | 河南大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 这是由一篇博士论文改编而成的学术专著,全书以英文的形式呈现。本书最后得出结论是,语言在本质上是一套社会符号系统,是依赖于语境而存在的。 内容推荐 解放军外国语学院英语专业建立于1949年,是全国和全军的重点学科,拥有博士后科研流动站和博士学位授权点,目前具有博士学位的教师达20余名。 本文库是部分博士在国内各名牌院校知名学者教授指导下精心撰写的学术著作,计划每年出版5本,敬请关注。 目录 序言 前言 List of Figures- List Of Tables Abbreviations Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Background to the Study 1.2 Why“Semiotics”7 1.3 Aires and 0bjectives 1.4 Data Collection 1.5 0rganization of the Book Chapter Two Towards an Understanding of the Notion Of Genre 2.1 IntrOductiOn 2.2 Contextual Conditioning of Text 2.3 Definitions 0f Genre 2.4 Approaches to Genre Analysis 2.5 Text Typology:Definite or Indefinite 2.6 Conclusion Chapter Three Genre Analysis and System Network 3.1 IntrOduction 3.2 Language as Resource 3.3 A Stratified View of Semiotic Systems 3.4 Synoptic VS.Dynamic Perspectives 3.5 Conclusion Chapter Four Modeling Generic Structures of Abstracts 4.1 IntrOductiOn 4.2 What Is an Abstract? 4.3 Towards a Generic Structural Description 4.4 Pilot Analysis 4.5 Conclusion Chapter Five DecOnstructing Thematic Patterns of Abstracts 5.1 IntrOduction 5.2 Orienter:the Status of Theme Revisited 5.3 Identifying Theme:Problems Encountered in Analysis 5.4 Method of Development 5.5 Realization of Themes 5.6 Conclusion Chapter Six Construing Experiential Organization in Abstracts 6.1 IntrOductiOn 6.2 The Network of Transitivity 6.3 Nuclearity in the System of Transitivity 6.4 Transitivity Patterns in Abstracts 6.5 Transitivity and Genre 6.6 Conclusion Chapter Seven Analyzing Lexical Texture in Abstracts 7.1 IntrOductiOn 7.2 A Taxonomy of Lexical Relations 7.3 Lexical Cohesion Analysis 7.4 Lexical Cohesion and Genre 7.5 Conclusion Chapter Eight Conj unctive Relations in Abstracts 8.1 IntrOductiOn 8.2 Conjunctions and Textual Organization 8.3 A Simplified Typology of Conjunctive Relations 8.4 Conjunction:Structure 8.5 Internal Conjunctions and Generic Structure 8.6 Discussion 8.7 Conclusion Chapter Nine Conclusions and Suggestions 9.1 A Summarizing Overview 9.2 Pedagogical Implications 9.3 Suggestions for Future Research Appendix References 后记 |
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