'You took the fire of truth from heaven. You must guard it until there comes again one who is pure enough in heart to open the seal and read what is written. I! may be a hundred years, it may be a thousand, but God will preserve you until that time and the end of all things. In that day I shall come again, and we shaH fight the last battle of the world, you and ! together.'
Tathea, once Queen of Shinahar, has waited five hundred years for lshrafeli's word to come true. In that time she has guarded the precious, gold Book of the word of God, and has witnessed the portentous birth of Sadokhar - a child of great significance. Fur he, Tathea knows, is the king who will create a golden age before the great and final war.
Now a grown man, Sadokhar has at last united the Island at the Edge uf the Wo rld in peace - and four of the six warriors destined to fight Armageddon have presented themselves. But where are the uther two warriors? And where is Tathea's beloved lshrareli who promised that he would return to fight the last terrible war against the Great Enemy, Asmodeus? Time is short - and the final conflict is about to test each one of them to their very cure...