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书名 | 近现代国际关系史研究 |
分类 | 人文社科-政治军事-国际关系 |
作者 | 徐蓝 |
出版社 | 人民出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本文集共收录论文27篇,内容涉及近代以来的政治、经济、军事、思想、国际组织等领域。除了本学科和专业创始人齐世荣先生的1篇外,所选文章大部分出自学生的硕士、博士学位论文或博士后出站报告,并已全部公开发表。 目录 美国内战时期的美英关系 周钢 Anglo—American Relations During the Civil War Period in the United States Zhou Gant 试论1885--1887年英土关于埃及问题的两次谈判 赵军秀 An Analysis of Anglo-Turkish Negotiations on the Egyptian Issue Zhao Junxiu 萨摩亚“共管”体制 ——19世纪末美英德一次失败的殖民合作 王华 The Samoan Condominium:A Failed Cooperation Exacted by U.S., England & Germany During Their Oversea Expansions in the Late 19th Century Wang Hua 浅析20世纪初美国与日本东北之争失利的原因 陆云 Primary Analysis of the Setback Suffered by America in Its Competition Against Japan around the Noah East China in the Early 20th Century Lu Yun 简论英国政府接管达西协议 王伟伟 Stating Briefly about British Government taking over the D”Arey Concession Wang Weiwei 试析一战初期英国的中东政策 ——基于《德邦森报告书》的考察 王伟 0n British Diplomatic Policy for the Middle’East Areas During World War I:A Review of the Past on the Basis of The Bandson Report Wang Wei 中立与集体安全 ——伍德罗·威尔逊国联思想的起源 韩莉 Neutrality and Collective Security:the Origins of Wilson’s League of Nations Idea Han Li 一战后东欧民族关系与国际联盟 茹孟 Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe and the League of Nations after WWI Ru Ying 试论英国在鲁尔危机中的对法政策 刘作奎 On British Foreign Policy to France During Ruhr Crisis Liu Zuokui “五卅”运动中的英国与日本 王蓉霞 The Role of Britain and Japan in the May 30th Massacre Wang Rongxia 1931年德奥关税同盟问题与英国外交 李林芹 The Austro-Gerrnan Customs Union in 1931 and British Diplomacy Li Linqin 试论1935年伦敦海军会议 章毅君 The Lendon Naval Conference in 1935 Zhang Yij 意埃战争爆发后法英在对意制裁问题上的合作与分歧 梁占军 The Cooperation and Difference between France and Britain Sanction against Italy after the Breakout of the Italian—Ethiopian war Liang Zhanjun 英国与尼翁会议 高翠 Britain and Nyon Meeting Gaocui 美国外交史上的“中立”与美国经济的发展 王宏波 The"Neutrality"in the U.S.Diplomatic History and the Development of America's Economv Wang Hongbo 对“罗斯福一韦尔斯和平计划”的历史考察 徐蓝 A Historical Review of Rooseveh—Welles Peace Plan Xu Lan 慕尼黑危机与美国对纳粹德国的绥靖 程文进 The Munich Crisis and Appeasement of U. S. A.to Nazi Germany Cheng Wenjin 冻结资产与石油禁运 ——太平洋战争前美国对日本的经济制裁 李京原 Freeze Funds and Oil Embargo——the U.S.Enforce Economical Sanction to Japan before the Pacific War Li Jingyuan 中国抗日战争与国际关系(1931—1945) 齐世荣 The International Relations During the Japanese Invasion in China (1931—1945) Qi Shirong 试论罗斯福政府与1943年联合国家粮农会议的缘起 韩长青 The Roosevelt Administration and the Origin of the United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture in 1943 Han Changqing 开罗会议新论 赵志辉 A New Explanation of the Cairo Meeting Zhao Zhihui 新中国成立和朝鲜战争爆发对美国越南政策的影响 刘东明 The Influence of the Foundation of People’S Republic of China and the Breaking Out of Korea War on the American Policy Towards Vietnam Liu Dongming 1954年中印协定与中印边界争端 ——和平共处五项原则创立五十周年回顾 康民军 The 1954 Sino—Indian Agreement and the Sino—Indian Border Dispute: A Review of the 50 Years since the Adoption of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Kang Min 伊朗伊拉克关系研究(1979--1991) 鸿达 Iran—Iraq Relations(1979一1991) Fan Hongda 试论澳新美同盟的历史演变 王帆 The Historical Evolution of ANZUS Wang Fan 戈尔恰科夫的外交思想与实践及其对俄罗斯外交的现实意义 吴伟 Gorchakov’s Diplomacy Theory and Practice and Its Realistic Significance Wu Wei 13本对外战略与台湾问题 武寅 Japanese Foreign Strategy and the Issue of Taiwan Wu Yin |
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