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书名 世界史研究
分类 人文社科-历史-世界史
作者 齐世荣
出版社 人民出版社



雅典首席将军考辨 晏绍祥

An Investigation of“the Leading General of Athens”  Yah Shaoxiang

论中古西欧“上帝的和平”运动 施诚

“The Peace 0f God”Movement in Medieval Western Europe  Shi Cheng

圣职推荐权与教士的职业生涯 刘城

The Right of Recommendation for the Holy Position and the Professional Life of the Christian Missionary Liu Cheng

英国都铎时期商品经济的发展 王乃耀

The Development of Commodity Economy in Tudor Period  Wang Naiyao

都铎王朝的经济立法与英国近代议会民主制的起源 刘新成

Tudor Economic Legislation and Origin of Modern British Constitution Liu Xincheng

英西战争(1588—1604年)中的英方政策评价 夏继果

An Appraisement of the Policies of England in Its War With Spain 1588—1604 Xia Jiguo

也论柏克 王勤榕

A New Reappraisal on Edmund Burke  Wang Qinrong

简论吉伦特国民公会的党派之争 王燕平

0n the Power Struggle Between’Girondins and Montagnards in

 the Girondins Convention  Wang Yanpin

美国西部野马的驯养、使用与保护 周钢

The Taming,Use and Protection of Mustang(Or Wild Horse)in West America  Zhou Gang

德意志帝国时期妇女群体的崛起 邢来顺

The Rise of Women Social Group in the Period of German Empire Xing Laishun

土耳其海峡与1907年英俄协约 赵军秀

The Turkish Straits and Anglo—Russian Convention of 1907  Zhao Junxiu

美国公司的现代化进程 程文进

Modernization of American Corporations  Cheng Wenjin

对俄共党内签订布列斯特和约斗争的再认识 康泠

A Re—understanding of the Struggle Within the Russian

 Social—Democratic Labor Party(Bolshevik)in Regard

 to the Treaty of Brest—Litovsk  Kang Ling

竞争与妥协:巴黎和会上的美英关系 韩莉

Struggle and Compromise:the United States and Britain at the PariS Peace Conferenee Han Li

公众舆论与政府决策 梁占军


Public Opinion and Policy—making of Government: the Political Influence of the Peace Ballot in the UK, 1934—1935 Liang Zhanjun

论英国对意大利的外交政策 齐世荣


The British Foreign Policy Towards Italy from July 1936 to November 1938  Qi Shirong

关于1940年美英“驱逐舰换基地”协定的历史考察 徐蓝

The Destroyers Deal Between the United States and the United Kingdon in 1940 Xu Lan

20世纪下半叶西方史学认识论的发展 何平

The Development of Western Historical Epistemology in the Second Half of the 20th Century He Ping





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