The Arbeitsheft Holzbau is intended as an aid to all those working in the field of con struction. However, it is neither a con struction manual nor an encyclopaedia of materials. It aims to show the relationship between design, detail work and the built product. What has emerged is a very handy book which summarises, in a user friendly manner, all the material found in offices and enterprises that deals with building with wood. To avoid the selection presenting here falling prey to rapid obsolescence and, above all, premature obsolescence, it has been limited to basic designs and proven materials.
Timber construction, which has a tradition going back centuries, has experienced a renaissance during the past few years. As clients, planners and even legislators develop a greater sensibility for eco logical issues, timber is reasserting itself as a building material. The use of new timber construction materials and the stricter require ments on structures set out in the Ordinance on Energy Saving have completely changed the face of timber construction over the last few years. The present volume is designed to give readers an overview of modern timber construction and its products:
Whether it is a case of craft-built timber houses or buildings largely prefabricated in the factory, all details are explained in texts and sectional drawings
Are you looking for a particular product for a wooden construc tion? You will find extensive information on timber products, insulating materials, joints and fastenings here
And a documentation of nine selected timber buildings
House A
Exterior wall, plinth
Interior wall, floor above basement
Exterior wall, floor/ceiling, window
Interior wall, floor/ceiling, door
Exterior wall, ceiling, eaves
Exterior wall, ceiling, verge
Exterior wall, services installation shaft
Party wall
House B
Exterior wall, plinth
Interior wall, sole plate
Exterior wall, foundation
Interior wall, foundation
Exterior wall, floor/ceiLing, window
Interior wall, floor/ceiling, door
Exterior wall, eaves
Exterior wall, verge
Exterior wall, corner
Party wall
Product overview
Manufactured Wood Products
Building boards
Insulating materials
Sheathing paper
Joints and fasteners
Wood preservation
Joint sealing tapes
Overview of exemplary constructions
Exemplary constructions
Technical information
Subject index
index of projects
Picture credits