This new edition of Store Windows contains a year's worth of display and promotional presentation ideas--and more! Arranged by the four seasons of the year, each section is crammed full of clever,amusing, stimulating and shopper-stopping images as well as suggested concepts for promoting seasonal fashions in unexpected ways. With over 400 full color pictures, selected and simply described by Martin M. Pegler, recognized authority on Display & Visual Merchandising, the book leads from the first thaws of Spring and the new Spring fashions, Mother's Day and Father's Day into Summertime when the living is casual, easy and fun. Then there are the falling leaves of Fall--the many textures of the season and the baring of the branches, and that blends into the color,excitement, animation and make-believe of Christmas and the things that dreams are made of. The spectacle of the holiday morphs into Sales and ends in a blast of red, hearts and flowers--messages of love--and Valentine's Day.