Although a garden may express a multitude of concepts, it is essentially a space in which to relax, gather with friends and family and take plea- sure in the sensations offered by the outdoors. The contemporary nature of the different projects presented in this book lies not only in the imple- mentation of new materials and construction techniques, but moreover, in the characteristics that they have in common: they are all small gar- dens situated within an urban context.
Although a garden may express a multitude of concepts, it is essentially a space in which to relax, gather with friends and family and take plea- sure in the sensations offered by the outdoors. The contemporary nature of the different projects presented in this book lies not only in the imple- mentation of new materials and construction techniques, but moreover, in the characteristics that they have in common: they are all small gar- dens situated within an urban context. The following pages illustrate unique solutions that range from gardens that grow vertically to those situated on rooftops or between adjoining walls. These examples demon- strate how the garden today, more than ever, has come to signify a means of warding off the effects of fast-paced urban living, providing a space in which to slow down, relax and enjoy silence in the midst of a city's bustling activity. The strategies employed by designers around the world today provide us with a myriad of practical solutions and demonstrate how gardens can be incorporated even into the most nomadic of lifestyles bound by concrete and asphalt.
Si un jardin pout rev6tir des significations diverses, il reste avant tout un espace oQ se reposer, se runir avec des amis et savourer cos moments de delicieuse intimit. La contemporanit des diff6rents projets prsen-ts darts cot ouvrage ne repose pas uniquement sur I'emploi de nou-veaux matriaux et de techniques de construction r#centes mais surtout sur I'existence d'un dnominateur commun unique, savoir des petits jardins situs en zone urbaine. Au fil des pages suivantes, vous dcouvri-rez autant de propositions surprenantes, & l'instar de jardins qui escala-dent les facades, se Iovent sur les toits ou occupent ces espaces rsi-duels entre les murs mitoyens ou entre la fa(ade et la chausse. Ces exemples montrent quetes jardins actuels sont plus que jamais un lieu o3 se ressourcer pour contrebalancer la vie trpidante inhrente aux villes. IIs se mtamorphosent en esoaces ob il est oossible de dcomores-set, se reposer et jouir du silence au sein du tumutte des grandes villes.Les strategies developpes par les designers du monde entier nous don-nent des solutions pratiques pour realiser cos jardins, en nous montrantqu'ils peuvent s'intgrer &cet environnement d'asphalte et de bton quiest le lot auotidien de la plupart d'entre nous, et mme s'ada)ter aux modes de vie les plus nomades.
Garden on the Hudson River Jardin dans le fleuve Hudson Garten am Hudson River
Walking on Water Marcher sur I'eau 0be das Wasser gehen
Sculpture Garden Jardin de sculptures Skutpturgarten
Floating Garden Jardin flottant Schwimmender Garten
Philippe Starck Garden Jardin de Philippe Starck Philippe Starck Garten
Girbaud's Vertical Garden Le jardin vertical de Girbaud Girbauds vertikaier Garten
Midtown Oasis Oasis au milieu de la ville Stadtoase
Chris and Illya Vroom Garden Jardin de Chris et Illya Vroom Chris and litya Vroom Garten
Marianne Boesky Garden Le jardin de Marianne Boesky Mariarme 8oesky Garten
Patio in Barcelona Patio Barcelone Hof in Barcelona
Lola Farr's Garden Jardin de Lola Farrd Loia Farr Garten
Private Garden Jardin priv Privater Garten
Romantic Garden Jardin romantique Romantischer Garten
Small Garden in Antwerp Petit jardin & Anvers Nleiner Garten in Antwerpen
Contrasting Garden Jardin de contrastes Grten im Gegensatz
Urban Paradise Paradis urbain Fried[iches Paadies
Urban Oasis Oasis urbaine Eine Stadtoase
Garden in Melbourne Jardin Melbourne Garten in Melbourne
Symmetry Garden Jardin symtrique Symmetrischer Garten
Pool Patio Patio piscine Pool Patio
Mediterranean Garden jardin mditerranen Mediterraner Garten
Residential Garden Jardin rsidentiel Hausgarten
Loft Garden Jardin d'un loft Garten an einem Loft
Bamboo Garden Jardin de bambou Bambusgarten
Pure White Blanc immacul Mai{etloses Wei
Oriental Garden in Brussels Jardin oriental Bruxelles Orientaiischer Gaten in BrSsset
Minimalist Garden Jardin minimaliste Minimaistischer Garten
Stingel Pavilion Pavilion Stingel Stinget Pavilion
Terrace and Garden Terrasse avec jardin Terrasse mit Garten
Photo Credits Credits photographiques Fotonachweis