The Republic
Aurelius Augustinus
Gargantua and Pantagruel
Francis Rabelais
On the Education of Children
Michel de Montaigne
Novum Organum
Francis Bacon
The New Atlantis
Francis Bacon
The Great Didactic
John Amos Comenius
A Discourse on Method
Rene Descartes
Of Education
John Milton
Some Thoughts Concerning Education
John Locke
Emile, or On Education
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man
J. C. Friedrich Von Schiller
General Principles of the Science of Education Psychologically
Deduced from Its Aim
Johann Friedrich Herbart
The Idea of a University
John Henry Newman
The German Ideology
Karl Marx and Frederick Engles
What Knowledge is of Most Worth?
Herbert Spencer
Science and Education
Thomas Henry Huxley
Democracy and Education
John Dewey
The Aims of Education
A. N. Whitehead
Education: Its Data and First Principles
Thomas Percy Nunn
On Education
Bertrand Russell
The Education of American Teachers
James Bryant Conant
The Higher Learning in America
Robert Maynard Hutchins
Other Schools and Ours--Comparative Studies for Today
Edmund J. King
The Process of Education
J. S. Bruner