Social housing in Vienna is unique. More than half the city's residents live in subsidised residential complexes,many of which have been designed by renowned architects. The Viennese-born Australian architect Harry Seidler created an important architectural and urban landmark with his Neue Donau Housing Estate.This book documents the internationally acclaimed building complex as well as the development and conditions for social housing in Vienna.
"Vienna is different". For years this has been the city ofVienna's logo. It seems that for no other part of its ad-ministration this is so fitting as for Vienna housing. Vi-enna's social housing originated from an internationallyacknowledged reform programme in the 1920s and hasbeen developed since then up until the present day. 60% of all Vienna residents live in subsidised apartments,including 220,000 in council housing. At present, Vien-na has close to 1,7 million inhabitants.
I 80 Jahre sozialer Wohnungsbau in Wien/
80 Years of Social Housing in Vienna
Wiens Grunderzeit- Traum und Wirklichkeit/Vienna in the Late Nineteenth Century - Dream versus Reality
Die Wiener Siedlerbewegung: Wohnungsreform von unten /
The Vienna Settlers' Movement: Grassroot Housing Reform
Das Rote Wien/Red Vienna
Wohnungsbau als Teil einer sozialen Stadtplanung/Housing as Part of Social Urban Development
Von der Siedlerbewegung zur Werkbundsiedlung/From Settlers' Movement to Werkbundsettlement
Faschismus und Zweiter Weltkrieg/Fascism and World War II
Sozialer Wohnungsbau nach 1945 / Public Housing after 1945
Die sanfte Stadterneuerung/The 'Soft Urban Renewal'
Wohnungsbau der 70er und 80er Jahre/Social Housing in the 1970s and the 1980s
Innovative Architektur heute/Innovative Architecture Today
Wien an die Donau/New Housing at the Danube
Sozialwohnungen im Hochhaus?/Social Housing in Tower Blocks?
Wohnen im Industriebau/Housing in Former Industrial Buildings
II Wohnpark Neue Donau: Planung und Entwurfsentwicklung/
Planning and Designing the Neue Donau Housing Estate
Wohnpark Neue Donau/Neue Donau Housing Estate
Die Wohnungen/The Apartments
Gemeinschaftsraume/Communal Facilities
Die Kunstwerke/The Works of Art
Kino- und Entertainmentcenter/Cinema and Entertainment Centre
Das Hochhaus/The Tower
Bautechnik/Building Techniques
Resumee / Resume