Somebody once said to me that taking a photograph is like going on a journey. Photography can take you somewhere that you could never go to in your own life, or sometimes even in your own imagi-nation. I am lucky enough to travel a lot, and this book is about both kinds of journeys about actually being in places I never imagined I would see and making images that reflect what a pleasure it is to be there.
"When Mario takes your hand and brings you into his world, it is a brighter and edgier place. You feel more. You see more. I always note how 'in the moment' I feel when I am with Mario. That life is happening right now. That he is helping me to see it and taste it.You somehow feel as if you are at the, epicenter of everything lively and new and stylish and stylisl~,whether you are across the table from him at a dinner or you come across a campaignhas done in a magazine. To bring people so startlingly into their 'present' is a gift."