Along with the Fundaci6n Pettoruti and la marca editora, we are proud to present a book on the life and work of Emilio Pettoruti. The publication of this book coincides with a retrospective of the artist's work'to be held at the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes from October 28th, 2004 to January 28th, 2005.
Nelly Arrieta de Blaquier
Roberto Diaz Varela
Edward J. Sulivan
Emilio Pettoruti:an International Perspective
1.Pettoruti in the international Circle
2.Pettoruti as Ex-patriot.The Artist's Early Years in Italy
3.Pettoruti and Cubism
4.Later Years in Italy
5.Return to Argentina
6.Musicians and Harlequins
7.The Analyzed Object:Still Lifes
8.Last Years:Abstraction
Nelly Perazzo
Reflexions on Emilio Pettoruti and his Work
Mario H.Gradowczyk
Pettoruti Among Texts and Paintings
Partricia Artundo
Emilio Pettoruti.Biographical and Critical Chronology
Index of works