While celebratory, ourmain goal was that thisbook would chronicle thepreeminent work ofSPD's forty years throughits singular focus onexcellence in publicationdesign.
Never before has therebeen such a book! Overthe past 4 decades pub-lication designers fromaround the world havesubmitted their top workto our design competi-tions. Critically acclaimedjudges have carefullyreviewed thousands ofsubmissions to compileannual records of theaward winners. Solid Goldgives you the gold medalwinners, magazine of theyear winners and lifetimeachievement honoreesfrom these years in onevolume.
We hope that you will usethis book as both historicreference and a tool of in-spiration. Keep it along-side all your SPD annualsfor a complete record ofaward winning publicationdesign. Solid Gold containsthe best of the best.