A Note on Texts
1 The Literary Canon
General principles - Chronological charts - Cultural
evolution - Canonical authors - The canon and modern
critical theory - The instability of the canon - The canoni,
list: medieval, renaissance, neoclassical, romantic, moderni
2 Fiction
The nature of fiction - Structure - Plot and suspense -
Author and narrator - Point of view - Setting - Character
Dialogue and monologue - Symbolism and allegory -
Intertextuality and metafiction - Seven novels
3 Poetry
The nature of poetry - Metre - Sound - Language -
Seven poems
4 Drama
The nature of drama - Techniques and constraints -
Origins and early development - Later development
Appendix: Creative Writing - Creative Reading
Creative writing and the study of literature - The writer's
materials - Planning and research for fiction - Revision -
Equipment for writing - Publication - Copyright
Annotated Bibliography
Language - Literature - Creative writing