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书名 | 英语词汇速记大全(附光盘2词形拓展记忆法) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 俞敏洪 |
出版社 | 群言出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书是新东方大愚英语学习丛书中的一本。词形拓展记忆法实际上融会了词根词缀记忆法、近形词比较记忆法、逻辑联想记忆法等各种记忆方法于一身,是以上几种记忆方法的补充记忆法,也是词汇记忆新角度的拓展,本书以此为理念编写而成,并配有420分钟MP3光盘一张,结合学习,效果加倍。 内容推荐 本书具有如下特点:1、涵盖中、高级重点词汇,适用于各类英语考试,极具实用性与发散性。2、对单词记忆法研究独到、深刻,系新东方创始人俞敏洪老师20年词汇研究之结晶。3、单词剖析详尽,例句鲜活精当,基础词汇与词形拓展词汇联系记忆,寓学于乐。事半功倍4、版式简洁清晰,美观大方,便于学习与查阅。5、内含420分钟MP3光盘一张。配合学习,效果加倍。 目录 A about ache acre act add after age ago air all allow amble anger angle ant any apple arch arm art ash ask aunt away B back bad bag ball ban band bang bank bar bare base bat bath bear beat bed bee bell bet bid bill bird block blue boat bomb born bowl brain brow bull bush C car card care case cast cat cave cent chair chat cite class cloud coat come copy corn cost cover cow cross cry cue cup cure cut D dam date day dead did dog down draw E each ear earth ease east eat edge egg end ever eye F face fact fair fan far fare fast fat feed fell felt field fine fire fish fit flat floor flow flower fly food fool foot fore form free front fun fur G gas gate get glass go gold grass green ground grow guard gun H hair ham hand hard hat head hear heart heat hen here high hill hit hold hole home horse hot how I ice ill inch ink J join K keep key kid kind king L lab lady lake land last late law lay lead leaf led leg lend letter lid lie lift light like line lip list live load lock log long look lot loud love low M main make man map mark mass mat mate may meat men mid mind mine moon motor mount mud my N nail name neat neck need nest net new news night noon nor nose not note now nut 0 off oil old oral our over own P page paint pair pan paper parent park part pass past path pea pen photo piece pig plain plane play point pole pond port pose post pot press put R race rag rail rain ran range rank rap rat rate raw ray read red rent rest ride right ring rise road rob rock role roof room root rope rose round row rude rule run rush S sad safe sale salt sand sat say school sea seat see sell sent set she sheep sheet shine ship shoe shop shore short show side sight sign sing sir sit size ski skin sky sleep slip slow small snow soft solve some son song south space sport spot spring stand star start state stay stead steam step still stone stop store story street suit sun sure T table tail take tale talk tall tape tax tea team tell ten tent term test text the thing throw time tiny tip tire toll ton tone tool tooth top tour town toy train tree trip turn type U under use V verb very view W walk wall war watch water way wear well who wild will win wind wire with wood word work Y year |
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