"Head First Java"... gives new meaning to their marketing phrase "There's an O Reilly for that." I picked this up because several others I respect had described it in terms like "revolutionary' and a described a radically different approach to the textbook. They were (are) right... In typical O'Reilly fashion, they've taken a scientific and well considered approach. The result is funny, irreverent, topical, interactive, and brillliant...Reading this book is like sitting in the speakers lounge at a view conference, learning from and laughing with-peers... If you want to UNDERSTAND Java, go buy this book."
你不想重新发明车轮(或者更差的是,没有充气车胎的轮子),所以从设计模式中寻求帮助——设计模式是过去人们面对同样的软件设计问题所得到的经验。有了设计模式,就可以利用其他人的实践经验的精华,因此省下的时间可以用在其他的事情上,如:更有挑战性的事情、更复杂的事情以及更有趣的事情。你想要学习: ·重要的模式 ·何时使用某个模式,为何使用该模式 ·如何在你自己的设计中马上采用这些模式 ·何时不该使用该模式(如何避免滥用模式) ·某个模式是依据哪些面向对象设计原理而设计出来的
更重要的是,你想在学习设计模式的过程中不感觉到昏昏欲睡。如果你曾经读过任何一本“深入浅出”(Head First)系列书籍,你就会知道能够从本书中得到的是:透过丰富的视觉效果让你的大脑充分地运作。本书的编写运用许多最新的研究,包括神经生物学、认知科学以及学习理论,这使得这本书能够将这些设计模式深深地烙印在你的脑海中,不容易被遗忘。你将会更擅长于解决软件设计中的问题,并能够和你的团队成员用模式的语言来更好地沟通。
1 Welcome to Design Patterns:an introduction
2 Keepingyour Objects in the know:/he Observer Pattern
3 Decorating Objects:the Decorator Pattern
4 BakingwithOO goodness:the FactoryPattern
5 One of aKindObjects:the SingletonPattern
6 Encapsulating Invocation:the Command Pattern
7 BeingAdaptive:theAdapterandFacadePatterns
8 Encapsulating Algorithms:the Template Method Patterm
9 Well—managed Collections:the Iterator and Composite Patterns
10 The State ofThings:the State Pattern
11 Controlling Objcct Access:the Proxy Pattern
12 Patterns of Patterns:Compound Patlerns
13 Patterns in the Real World:Better Living with Patterns
14 Appendix:Leftover Patterns