CATCH A KILLER...OR CATCH YOUR DEATH...The sight sent Corso reeling backward,tripping over one of the floor joists and falling heavily to the dirt...His head throbbed as he shuffled back across the floor. He peeked. Quickly. Out of the corner of his eye. As if he might turn to stone. There it was...
Rules never much mattered to true-crime writer Frank Corso. So when the Texas police release a warrant with his name on it, he runs.Accompanied by former lover Meg Dougherty, Corso heads straight into a furious blizzard and the pair are forced to seek shelter in an abandoned house.
But in their retreat, Corso and Meg make a horrific discovery - the grisly remains of Eldred Holmes and his family.
With the police firmly on his tail, Corso begins a murder hunt that will carry him through a chilling history of terror and bloodshed, rendering him the target of a rage-driven master of reinvenUon. And in this isolated community, no laws protect the innocent...