In 1999 House Atreides, the first volume in Prelude to Dune, will be published. Written by Frank Herbert’s son Brian Herbert (a critically-acclaimed author in his own right) and bestselling science fiction writer Kevin J.Anderson, it draws on notes, outlines and correspondence Frank Herbert left behind at his death as well as conversations and brainstorming sessions Brian held with his father. The trilogy of novels, which tell what happened in the generation before Dune began, will continue with House Harkonnen and The Spice War.
Frank Herbert was born in 1920. Before taking up writing full-time, he was a professional photographer,journalist and occasional oyster-diver. His colourful and varied career also included stints as a radio news commentator and jungle survival instructor. He died in 1986.
His first science fiction novel was Dragon in the Sea,a prescient story of nuclear submarines, and his books include The Green Brain; Soul Catcher, based on native American stories; and The White Plague, a story of biological destruction.
But he is best known for the world of Dune. The most widely acclaimed science fiction novel of this century, it won the highest accolades in the science fiction world the Nebula and Hugo awards. The book was made into a successful film by David Lynch and its themes were continued in five sequels which established Frank Herbert as one of the modern masters of science fiction.
In 1999 House Atreides, the first volume in Prelude to Dune, will be published. Written by Frank Herbert’s son Brian Herbert (a critically-acclaimed author in his own right) and bestselling science fiction writer Kevin J.Anderson, it draws on notes, outlines and correspondence Frank Herbert left behind at his death as well as conversations and brainstorming sessions Brian held with his father. The trilogy of novels, which tell what happened in the generation before Dune began, will continue with House Harkonnen and The Spice War.
Cartographic Notes
Appendix I The Ecology of Dune
Appendix II The Religion of Dune
Appendix III Report on Bene Gesserit Motives
and Purposes
Appendix IV The Almanak en-Ashraf (Selected
Excerpts of the Noble Houses
Terminology of the Imperium