This is a research report on East Asian FTA (EAFTA) done bythe study group chaired by me. The research started from March of2004 and was jointly projected by Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chi-nese Academy of Social Sciences (IAPS, CASS) and Institute of De-veloping Economies of Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO). Each side organized its own research team and conductedindependent study but with the close consultation and cooperation be-tween the two sides.
Ⅰ Overview
Ⅰ-1 Rationale for PTA
Ⅰ-2 East Asian Economic Convergence
Ⅰ-3 Current Status
Ⅰ-4 Need an Integrated Approach
Ⅱ Foundation and Rationales of EAFTA
Ⅱ-1 East Asian Economic Integration
Ⅱ-2 FDI and Its Impact on Regional Trade
Ⅱ-3 The Role of FTA on Regional Economic Integration
Ⅲ EAFTA: Simulation Result
Ⅲ-1 Introduction
Ⅲ-2 The Welfare Impact of CAFTA: A Benchmark
Ⅲ-3 Scenarios for Choice
Ⅲ-4 EAFTA: Viewing from Sectors
Ⅲ-5 Northeast Asian FTA
Ⅲ-6 Conclusion
Ⅳ Road Map to EAFTA
Ⅳ-1 Current Status and Difficulties
Ⅳ-2 The Road Map of EAFTA
Ⅳ-3 China and Japan in EAFTA
Ⅴ China's Participation
Ⅴ-1 Comparing the Competitiveness
Ⅴ-2 New Challenges
Ⅵ Conclusion and Recommendations
Ⅵ-1 Policy Setting One: How to Do?
Ⅵ-2 Policy Setting Two: Who are the Members?
Ⅵ-3 Policy Setting Three: What Model Should be Followed?
Appendix: Business Survey on EAFTA
Ⅰ. About the Survey
Ⅱ. Business Attitudes to EAFTA
Ⅲ. Conclusion Remarks
EAFTA Study Group Members