腐乳扣肉/Steam Pig Belly with Pickled Beancurd
榨菜肉絲/Fry Shredded Pork with Szuchuan Mustard
炸丸子/Fry Meat Ball
青椒肉絲/Fry Shredded Pork with Green Bell Pepper
元寶肉/Steam Pig-Belly with Brassica Chinensis
韮黄炒肉絲/Fry Shredded Pork with Chinese Leek
葱爆肉絲/Fry Shredded Pork with Scallion
蠔油丸子/Fry Meat Ball with Oyster Sauce
宮保肉丁/Diced Meat with Spicy Sauce
蒜泥白肉/Pork with Garlic Sauce
醬爆肉丁/Diced Meat with Sweet Bean Sauce
魚香肉片/Fry Pork with Chili Sauce
生爆鹽煎肉/Fry Spicy Sweet Pork
紅燒圈子/Broil Pig-Intestine with Thicken Sauce
清炒腰花/Fry Pig-Kidney with Thicken Sauce
炒肚片/Fry Pig-Tripe with rhicken Sauce
辣椒肚絲/Shredded Pig-Tripe with Spicy Sauce
葱串排骨/Steam Sparerib with Scallion
鮮溜豬心/Fry Pig--Heart with Thicken Sauce
珍珠排骨/Fry Fillet with Diced Bread
家常天梯/Fry Pig-Palate with Chili SaUCe
京葱拌耳絲/Cold Pig'Ear with Scallion
南煎丸子/Fry Meat Ball with Thicken Sauce
五彩肉絲/Fry Five fold Shreds
花生燉豬腳/Stew Pig-Leg with Peanuts
滑蛋牛肉/Fry Beef with Scramble Egg
黄瓜滑肉片湯/Pork with Gherkin Soup
冰糖蹄膀/Closed Steam Pettitoes with Rock Sugar
砂鍋丸子/Meat Ball in Casserole
荷葉排骨/Steam Loin Chop with Water Lily Leaves
川丸子湯/Meat Ball Soup
豉汁排骨/Sparerib with Fermented Black Bean
淮山燉排骨/Stew Sparerib with Yam
葱爆牛肉/Fry Beef with Scallion in Thicken Sauce
咖哩牛肉片/Fry Sliced Beef with Curry
蠔油牛柳/Fry Beef with Oyster Sauce
芹菜牛肉絲/Fry Shredded Beef with Celery
銀芽牛肉絲/Fry Beef with Mung Bean Sprouts
紅椒豆干牛肉絲/Fry Shredded Beef with Dried Beancurd
百合牛柳/Fry Beef Fillet with Lily-Bulb
子薑牛肉絲/Fry Shredded Beef with Ginger
蒸牛肉丸/Steam Beef Ball
牛肉羹/Beef Potage
白切牛肉/Sliced Beef with Spice Sauce
糖醋排骨/Sweet and Sour Sparerib
燴玻璃肉片/Stew Pork with Mixed Vegetable
陳皮牛肉/Stew Beef with Dried Orangepeel
蛋皮肉捲/Steam Meat Stuffed Egg Roll
回鍋腊肉/Double Cooked Gammon
抓炒羊里脊/Fry Lamb Cutlet with Thicken Sauce
三絲牛肉捲/Fry Beef with Tri-shreds Roll
銀絲牛肉/Fry Beef with.Rice.Noodle
原盅枸杞羊肉/Steam Lamb with Medlar
清蒸牛腩/Steam Beef Brisket
紅燒牛肉/Broil Beef Stringy with了hicken Sauce
五彩羊肉絲/Fry Lamb with Mixed Bell Pepper
家常牛肉絲/Fry Beef Fillet with Spicy Sauce