Preface to the Third Edition
Suggested Syllabi
To the Reader
Chapter I Number Theory
Section 1.1 Induction
Section 1.2 Binomial Theorem and Complex Numbers
Section 1.3 Greatest Common Divisors
Section 1.4 The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Section 1.5 Congruences
Section 1.6 Dates and Days
Chapter 2 Groups I
Section 2.1 Some Set Theory
Equivalence Relations
Section 2.2 Permutations
Section 2.3 Groups
Section 2.4 Subgroups and Lagrange's Theorem
Section 2.5 Homomorphisms
Section 2.6 Quotient Groups
Section 2.7 Group Actions
Section 2.8 Counting with Groups
Chapter 3 Commutative Rings I
Section 3.1 First Properties
Section 3.2 Fields
Section 3.3 Polynomials
Section 3.4 Homomorphisms
Section 3.5 From Numbers to Polynomials .
Euclidean Rings
Section 3.6 Unique Factorization
Section 3.7 Irreducibility
Section 3.8 Quotient Rings and Finite Fields
Section 3.9 A Mathematical Odyssey
Latin Squares
Magic Squares
Design of Experiments
Projective Planes
Chapter 4 Linear Algebra
Section 4.1 Vector Spaces
Gaussian Elimination
Section 4.2 Euclidean Constructions
Section 4.3 Linear Transformations
Section 4.4 Eigenvalues
Section 4.5 Codes
Block Codes
Linear Codes
Chapter 5 Fields
Section 5.1 Classical Formulas
Viete's Cubic Formula
Section 5.2 Insolvability of the General Quintic
Formulas and Solvability by Radicals
Translation into Group Theory
Section 5,3 Epilog
Chapter 6 Groups H
Section 6.1 Finite Abelian Groups
Section 6.2 The Sylow Theorems
Section 6.3 Ornamental Symmetry
Chapter 7 Commutative Rings II
Section 7.1 Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals
Section 7.2 Unique Factorization
Section 7.3 Noetherian Rings
Section 7.4 Varieties
Section 7.5 Generalized Divison Algorithm .
Monomial Orders
Division Algorithm
Section 7.6 Grobner Bases
Appendix A Inequalities
Appendix B Pseudocodes
Hints for Selected Exercises