Today millions of people depend on their 401 (k) plans for their retirement income. Thanks to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) employees have been planning their own retirement finances--and benefiting from the stock market’s historic steady climb. Yet when 401 (k) s first became popular more than two decades ago, Robert Kiyosaki’s rich dad predicted grave financial consequences for the unprepared. Rich dad said, "Pension reform started by ERISA has flaws, flaws that will not be realized for years to come."
Now the storm clouds have gathered. Some twenty years after ERISA was signed into law, rich dad’s prophecy has begun to come true. On April 3, 2000, the U.S. NASDAQ exchange recorded its biggest ever one-day fall...
"Will You Ever Be Able To Retire?" screamed the headlines on the cover of the July 29, 2002, edition of T/ME. With the recent sharp decline of the stock market and upheavals of corporations the life savings of millions of workers have deteriorated, caused by their 401 (k) retirement plans.
Robert Kiyosaki’s rich dad foresaw these unfortunate events more than two decades ago. His prophecy was that these retirement programs, created in the U.S. and adopted in various forms by many other countries, would cause one of the biggest stock market crashes in history.., a crash that is still coming.., a crash that will wipe out the retirement savings of millions of employees, leaving them dependent upon their families or the government in their later years. Rich dad often said, "Never in the history of the world have so many people bet their future financial security on the ups and downs of the stock market."
RICH DAD’S PROPHECY will show you how retirement financing will affect all of us, regardless of our age or where we live, sometime in the near future. And after it exposes the reasons behind the coming crash, it reveals not only the best ways to safeguard wealth but how to actually prosper from the events to come.
Section One Is the Fairy Tale Over?
Chapter 1 A Change in the Law... A Change in the Future
Chapter 2 The Law Change That Changed the World
Chapter 3 Are You Ready to Face the Real World?
Chapter 4 The Nightmare Begins
Chapter 5 What Are Your Financial Assumptions?
Chapter 6 Just Because You Invest Does Not Mean You Are An Investor
Chapter 7 Everyone Needs to Become an Investor
Chapter 8 The Cause of the Problem
Chapter 9 The Perfect Storm
Section Two Building the Ark
Chapter 10 How Do You Build an Ark?
Chapter 11 Taking Control of the Ark
Chapter 12 Control #1: Control over Yourself
Chapter 13 Control #2: Control over Your Emotions
Chapter 14 How I Built My Ark
Chapter 15 Control #3: Control over Your Excuses
Chapter 16 Control #4: Control over Your Vision
Chapter 17 Control #5: Control over the Rules
Chapter 18 Control #6: Control over Your Advisors
Chapter 19 Control #7: Control over Your Time
Chapter 20 Control #8: Control over Your Destiny
Conclusion A Prophet’s Hope Is to Be Wrong
Appendix 1 ERISA and 401(k) Plans
Appendix 2 About Dave Stephens’s Program in Schools