Prince Tripitaka, a young Buddhist priest, has undertaken a dangerous quest to travel to India to retrieve sacred scriptures from a temple, accompanied by three unruly disciples: the greedy pig-creature Pigsy, the river monster Sandy - and Monkey...
Prince Tripitaka, a young Buddhist priest, has undertaken a dangerous quest to travel to India to retrieve sacred scriptures from a temple, accompanied by three unruly disciples: the greedy pig-creature Pigsy, the river monster Sandy - and Monkey.
Hatched from a stone egg and given the secrets of immortality the mischievous trickster Monkey can fly through the air, ride on the clouds, become invisible and transform into other shapes - skills that are very handy when the four travellers come up against the dragons, bandits, demons and evil wizards that get in their way. Based on a sixteenth-century Chinese epic, the hilarious combination of dazzling magic, knockabout fights and slapstick comedy has made Monkey a much-loved classic.