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书名 石材与工程建筑(共4册)/石材业数据库系列丛书
分类 科学技术-建筑-建筑理论与文化
作者 林涧坪
出版社 中国建材工业出版社



第一分册 建筑石材册

建筑外墙的石材装饰 Wall Decoration with Stone


2.块状花岗岩、大理石墙应用特征Decorative Characteristics

3.带有雕刻的墙体 Walls with Engravings

4.板岩应用特征 The Application Characterisics of Slate


6.建筑配套构件 Building Ingredients Equipped

室内装饰 Indoor Decoration

1.地面装饰 Floor Decoration

2.墙面装饰 Wall Decoration

3.室内设施 Interior Establishment

4.摆设用品 Furnishings

5.室内整体石材装饰效果 Interior Decorative Effect with All-stone

第二分册 园林石材册

地面石材铺设工程 Floor Paving Engineering with Stone

1.路面工程铺设类型 Types of Road Paving Engineering

2.广场整体铺设 Integrated Paving in Square

3.地面工程常见表面加工方式 Common Way of Surface Processing for Ground Stone Engineering

景观工程 Landscaping Engineering

1.水景 Waterscape

2.景观 Landscape

3.景观建筑 Landscaping Building

4.自然奇石 Natural strange stone

5.仿自然景观 Nature-Imitated Landscape

雕塑.雕刻 Sculpturing and Engraving

1.景物雕刻 Scenery Sculpturing and Engraving

2.景观雕塑 Landscaping Sculpture

3.中式雕刻 Chinese-Styled Sculpturing

4.欧式雕刻 European-Styled Engraving

5.日式雕刻 Japanese-Styled Sculpturing

园林设施 Gardens Facility

1.户外桌椅板凳 Outdoor Table,Chair and Stone Bench

2.花、草坛 Flower and Grass Demijohn

3.地灯 Floorlight

4.音响 Stereo Set

5.车止石 Parking Stone

6.卫生箱 Dustbin

7.石篱笆 Stone Fence

8.户外栏杆 Outdoor Railing

9.台阶 Step

10.招牌、标识、碑刻、指示物 Signboard,Mark,Tablet Inscription and Guide

11.拱桥 Arch Bridge

园林配套 Park Ingredients

1.围墙大门 Gate of Bounding Wall

2.围墙 Bounding Wall

3.地漏设计 Floor Drainage Designing

4.水岸 Water Bank

5.护坡 Slope Protection

第三分册 石材新产品册(含陵园工程)

建材新品种 New Building Materials

1.透光石材 Transparent Stone

2.马赛克 Mosaic

3.拼花艺术 Parquet Art

4.装饰线条 Decoration Line

5.装饰壁挂 Decoration Hanging

6.复合板 Composite Board

7.现代庭院、别墅新石墙体设计 Stone Wall Design of Modern Courtyard and Villa

用具(用品)、摆设件 Tools(Household Implements),Furnishing

1.卫浴 Bathroom

2.壁炉 Fireplace

3.橱柜 Cupboard

4.小用品 Fitting

5.家具 Furniture

6.工具与洗衣池 Tool and Laundry Tank

7.井 Well

8.信箱、垃圾箱 Mailbox,Garbage Box

9.工艺品 Carving Stone Products

10.石材装饰画 Stone Decoration Painting

11.门口摆设 Doorway Decoration

12.中国古代建筑精华 The Essence of Chinese Ancient Architecture

新技术产品 New Technique Product

1.仿古石材 Archaize Stone

2.上色石材 Colorize Stone

3.节能石材 Energy-saved Stone

4.保健用石 Health care Stone

5.新式地面装饰材料 Newly Developed Ground Decoration Material

陵园工程建设 Cemetery Engineering Construction

1.纪念碑 Monument

2.中式墓制品 Chinese-Styled Grave Stone

3.日式墓制品 Japanese-styled Grave Stone

4.欧、美式墓制品 European-styled and American-styled Grave Stone

5.韩式墓制品 Korean-styled Grave Stone

6.宠物墓 Pet Tomb

第四分册 综合实用册

石材在工程中的应用及演变 Evolvement of Stone Application in Engineering

1.现代建筑的立面说明 Facade Description of Modern Building

2.现代石材产品和建筑结构分析 Modern Stone Product and Building Structure Analysis

3.石材在建筑装饰中的施工方法 Construction Method of Stone in Architectural Decoration

4.工程使用石材对生产过程最基本的要求 Production Basic Request for Engineering Stone

5.现代建筑鉴赏 Appreciation of Modern Buildings

产业论坛、活动 Industrial Forum and Activities

1.中国石材品牌闯荡世界的努力 Endeavors to Develop World Market of Chinese Stone Brand

2.地方石材论坛 Local Forum on Stone

3.各项活动 Activities

金牌企业 Enterprise of Glold Medal

国内外部分优秀特色石材企业专介 Special Introduction to Some of Brilliant Characteristic Enterprises in China and Abroad

1.企业简介 A Iist of Stone Enterprises

2.企业名录 A Directory of Stone Enterprises





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