萨尔瓦多·达利(Salvador Dali,1904-1989),二十世纪最伟大的超现实主义画家之一,1904年5月11日生于西班牙菲格拉斯,1989年1月23日逝世。西班牙超现实主义画家和版画家,以探索潜意识的意象著称。与毕加索、马蒂斯一起被认为是二十世纪最有代表性的三个画家。他是一位具有卓越天才和想象力的画家 。在把梦境的主观世界变成客观而令人激动的形象方面,他对超现实主义、对二十世纪的艺术做出了严肃认真的贡献。达利的一生充满了传奇色彩。除了他的绘画,他的文章、他的囗才、他的动作、他的相貌、他的胡须和他的宣传才能。他用所有这一切,在各种各样的语言中造就了超现实主义这一个专有名词,去表示一种无理性的、色情的、疯狂的而且是时髦的艺术。达利的生活本身就是一个十足的超现实主义者,以至其它的超现实主义者对他的笃诚和绘画成就,抱有强烈的怀疑态度。主要的证据也许就是他那些绘画,没有人能够否认得了他那无尽的才能、想象能力或者他所显示的强烈信心,本书为其原版作品。
It is Sunday afternoon. The Lord God brings His festive repast to a close with essence of violets, passes a wind of inexpressibly holy fragrance, and summons His angels to perform His favourite air by Bach. Salvador Dali turns up, on parole from purgatory, sets up his easel, and resumes work on his portrait of the Lord.Dali is the only modern painter from whom the Lord God has commissioned work. Though He feels for the great veteran of Surrealism and admires his skill and enjoys his conversation, He cannot, however, defy His own law: for the rest of the week, Dali, though spared hell, is confined to purgatory. True, he led a fine life on earth, and was a painter of genius, but the fact is that he also rejoiced in his sins. Dali is not excessively downcast at his punishment. After all, he is familiar with purgatory, knows his Dante, indeed illustrated the Divine Comedy; and as for the time he is compelled to spend there, till his soul has been cleansed, he knows (as does everyone in the post-Einsteinian era) that it is relative. A few million years in purgatory are as nothing.
"L'oeuvre peint complet"
L'oeuvre "pain complet"
If You Act the Genius, You Will Be One!
The Proof of Love
The Conquest of the Irrational
The Triumph of Avida Dollars
The Mystical Manifesto
Paths to Immortality
Biography and bibliography
Index of works reproduced