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书名 | 对流换热及其强化的理论与实验研究最新进展 |
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作者 | 陶文铨//何雅玲 |
出版社 | 高等教育出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书是973国家重点基础研究发展规划项目——高效节能的关键科学问题不连续介质中传热传质的建模、数值模拟及实验研究课题总结。暨庆祝杨世铭教授从教60周年及80华诞论文辑。收录的论文最晚的出版日期是2005年1月。 目录 Progress on researches for physical laws of natural convection heat transfer in past decade 专题总结论文 强化迁移过程的基本理论——场协同原理及其应用 微通道内流动与换热的数值模拟与实验研究 非连续多孔介质热物性的分形描述和能量与物质迁移规律的研究 含湿多孔介质中热量和物质组分耦合迁移的机制与模型研究 CPL毛细芯内相变传热与流动的模型与数值计算 双尺度波纹板板壳式换热器强化换热的研究 一、强化传热、传质原理与方法的实验与数值研究 换热器集箱管组流动和换热分析 A unified analysis on enhancing single phase convective heat transfer with field synergy principle Field synergy principle for enhancing convective heat transfer~its extension and numerical verifications Applications of the field synergy principle in developing new type heat transfer enhanced Surfaces Numerical verification of the field synergy principle for turbulent flow Pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of turbulent flow in annular tubes with internal wave—like longitudinal fins Three—dimensional numerical simulation on laminar heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of strip fin surface with X—arrangement of strips Numerical design of efficient slotted fin surface based on the field synergy principle Cheng Y P,Qu: 非饱和多孔介质中自然对流传热的场协同分析 CPL蒸发器毛细芯中流动与传热的场协同分析 Study on boiling heat transfer in liquid saturated particle bed and fluidized bed 离心流化床中强制对流换热的实验研究 离心力场作用下多孔介质中强制对流换热的研究 用波动理论确定气固磁流化床的临界稳定区 固体颗粒强化液体沸腾换热和抗垢特性的研究 活性炭对苯蒸气吸附与分离过程的实验研究 双尺度波纹板束上溴化锂降膜吸收的实验研究 湍流流动和传热整体传输特性的数学分析 二、多孔介质中的传热传质规律研究 Heat transfer and phase change of liquid in an inclined enclosure packed with unsaturated porous media Heat and mass transfer with phase change in a rectangular enclosure packed with unsaturated porous material Fraetal analysis of permeabilities for porous media Numerical and experimental analysis of convection heat transfer in passive solar heating room with greenhouse and heat storage Numerical analysis of heat transfer in a composite wall solar collector system with porous absorber Study of heat and moisture transfer in soil with a dry surface layer Modeling for heat and mass transfer with phase change in porous wick of CPL evaporator Steady numerical simulation for heat and moisture migration in vegetation soil under various conditions Determination of pel~neability using fractal method for porous media Investigation on moisture transfer mechanism in porous media during rapid drying process 分形多孔介质中的热传导 三、微细结构中流动与换热基本规律研究 Lattice Boltzmann method for simulating gas flow in microchannels Lattice Boltzmann simulation of flow in porous media on nonuniform mesh grids An experimental investigation of gaseous flow characteristics in microchannels Turbulent statistics of rarefied flows in mierochannel flow and heat transfer Lattice Boltzmann method for gaseous mieroflows using kinetic theory boundary conditions Three-dimensional lattice Bohzmann model for gaseous flow in rectangular microducts and mieroseale porous media A numerical study of laminar convective heat transfer in microchannel with non--circular crosssection 用直接模拟Monte Carlo方法计算微通道的流动与换热 四、脉管制冷机中的传输机理研究 Steady natural convection in a vertical cylindrical envelope with adiabatic lateral wall Steady natural convection in a tilted long cylindrical envelope with lateral adiabatic surface,part 1:theoretical modeling and numerical treatments Steady natural convection in a tilted long cylindrical envelope with lateral adiabatic surface,part 2:heat transfer rate,flow patterns and temperature distributions The effect of tube wall heat conduction on the natural convection in a long cylindrical envelope with an adiabatic lateral Improvement of the thermal performance of pulse tube refrigerator by using a general principle for enhancing energy transport and conversion processes 五、流动与传热问题的先进数值模拟方法 A novel segregated algorithm for incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer problems--CLEAR(coupled&linked e algorithm revised)part I:mathematical formulation and solution procedure A novel segregated algorithm for incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer problems--CLEAR(coupled&linked e algorithm revised)partⅡ:application examples Simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer in a plane channel using the lattice Bohzmann method Refinement of the convective boundedness criterion of Gaskell and Lau Control of convergence in a computational fluid dynamic simulation using fuzzy logic Discussion on momentum interpolation method for collocated grids of incompressibl flow Discussion on numerical stability and boundedness 0f convective discretized scheme A comparison study of the convergence characteristics and robustness for fEEt variants cf HMPLE family at fine grids 附件1 杨世铭教授论著清单 附件2 973项目“高效节能的关键科学问题”第三课题《不连续介质中传热传质的建模、数值模拟及实验研究》 (G2000026303)成果总结简表 附件3 973国家重点基础研究发展规划项目“高效节能的关键科学问题”第三课题《不连续介质中传热传质的建模、 数值模拟及实验研究》(G2000026303)发表论文清单 |
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