AUSTIN--I think the single, greatest nonfattening pleasure in life is learning (the other obvious candidate often leads to complications). And that's why this book is such a joy. In Texas, "joy" can be used as a verb--as in, "He joyed in that battle." And one can joy in this book. So what else is left to be learned about the collapse of Enron? My job is keeping track of the more bizarre forms of Texas weirdness, so naturally I had nothing left to learn when I started Pipe Dreams.
Author's Note
Introduction by Molly Ivins
1 The Job Fair
2 John Henry Kirby and the Roots of Enron
3 Buy or Be Bought
4 The Merger
5 The Lays Move to River Oaks
6 The Valhalla Fiasco
7 "The Smartest Son of a Bitch I've Ever Met"
8 Banking on the Gas Bank
9 Mark-to-Market Account-a-Rama
10 Enron Goes International: Teesside
11 The Big Shot Buying Binge
12 "Kenny Boy"
13 The Dabhol Debacle
14 OPIC: Sweet Subsidies
15 A Kinder, Gentler Enron
16 The Reign of Skilling
I7 "A Pit of Vipers"
18 Cash Flow Problems, Part
19 Chewco: The 3-Percent Solution
20 Sexcapades
21 The Family Lay
23 Buying Off the Board
24 The Deal Diva
25 Enron's Waterworld
26 Hyping the Bandwidth Bubble
27 Andy Fastow River Oaks
28 Strippers and Stock Options
29 Casino Enron: Cash Flow Problems, Part 2
30 LJMz
31 The Big Five Versus the SEC
32 Derivatives Hocus-Pocus
33 Ken Rice: Missing in Action
34 Analysts Who Think
35 Air Enron
36 Skilling Says a Bad Word
37 George W. to the Rescue, Part
38 Broadband Blues
39 Sleepless in Houston: Cash Flow Problems, Part 3
40 Sherron Watkins Saves Her Own Ass
41 George W. to the Rescue, Part 2
42 You Gotta Have Art
43 Revenge of the Raptors
44 "An Outstanding Job as CFO"
45 Fastow Goes Bye-Bye
46 Posh PJ's
47 Greenspan Gets the Enron Prize
48 One Restatement Too Many
49 The Downgrade
50 The Bankruptcy
51 Epilogue: "Salvation Armani"