CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Current Trends in Research on Individual Differences in L2 Acquisition
1.2 Hypotheses and Significance of This Study
1.3 An Outline of the Book
CHAPTER 2 Review of Research on Language Learning Strategies
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Defining and Categorizing Learning Strategies
2.1.1 Defining Learning Strategies
2.1.2 Categorizing Learning Strategies
2.2 Learning Strategies and Language Learning
2.2.1 The "Good Language Learner" Studies
2.2.2 Correlational Studies Employing Statistical Procedures
2.3 Strategic Performance in Different Language Skill Areas
2.3.1 Listening
2.3.2 Speaking
2.3.3 Reading
2.3.4 Writing
2.3.5 Vocabulary Learning
2.4 Factors Affecting Choice of Language Learning Strategies
2.4.1 Cultural Heritage
2.4.2 Motivation
2.4.3 Age and Gender
2.4.4 Career Orientation
2.4.5 Educational Setting
2.5 Conclusion
CHAPTER 3 Theoretical Foundation for the Study of Language Learning Strategies in L2 Acquisition
CHAPTER 4 Research Methodology
CHAPTER 5 The Cultural and Educational Context of the Present Study
CHAPTER 6 Results
CHAPTER 7 Discussion of Results:Factors Affecting Students'Use of Learing Strategines
CHAPTER 8 Conclusions and Implication