看过《亲爱的,我把孩子变小了!》的电影吗?您是否也像奥莉薇姐姐一样,对于那台能把人缩小的机器有着许多期待?还是曾经许愿有个“哆拉梦”当朋友,一定会比大雄还珍惜他?十岁男孩Andrew和机器人朋友Thudd一起把想像实现,创造出许多有趣的东西:迷你缩小机、迷你潜水艇、时光机!本书是Andrew Lost系列中的一册,在充满想像力的内容中,融合了大量的科学、生物及自然知识。作者J.C.Greenburg的叙述夸张滑稽,她能将各种微生物描写得令人作呕,却又深深吸引您的目光!Andrew Lost系列成功达到寓教于乐的目的,每本故事最后还附有科学小常识,让想像与科学巧妙的合而为一。
Andrew, his cousin Judy, and super-smart robot Thudd escape the bathtub--only to get flushed down the toilet! Now they have to find their way through a maze of pipes to the kitchen sink. But the kitchen is no place to be when you're the size of a flea. Monster cockroaches scurry across the counter while flies patrol the skies. Will the kids survive the kitchen? Or will they end up frozen in the fridge?Time is running out!
Andrew's World
1. Toilet Bowling
2. Trapped!
3. Pipe Down!
4. That Sinking Feeling
5. Bye-Bye, Umbubble!
6. Splitting Up!
7. The Drastic Elastic
8. Butter Up!
9. A Patch of Blue
10. Buzzing Off
True Stuff
Where to Find More True Stuff