Surrounded by Art brings you an unprecedented glimpse of some of the world’s most intriguing collections. But not just any collections: in these pages you’ll find opulent assemblages distinguished by their rarity, eclecticism and, most of all, by the style and flair with which they’ve been incorporated into the home setting. Art and antiques experts, designers and couturiers, world travellers, artists and entrepreneurs have generously opened their doors to give us a rare view of the collector’s world.
The lure of the hunt, the thrill of the chase, that peerless moment of discovery when dream and ideal meet in a single object - this is the collector’s world. To the collector, the world is their oyster, full of hidden pearls ready to be plucked and shown to the greatest advantage among the other spoils of their obsession.
Surrounded by Art brings you an unprecedented glimpse of some of the world’s most intriguing collections. But not just any collections: in these pages you’ll find opulent assemblages distinguished by their rarity, eclecticism and, most of all, by the style and flair with which they’ve been incorporated into the home setting. Art and antiques experts, designers and couturiers, world travellers, artists and entrepreneurs have generously opened their doors to give us a rare view of the collector’s world.
Nowhere will you find the passion of collecting more gloriously illustrated; all the inspiration you need to start gathering these objects of desire for your own home.
Gianni Versace
Benedikt Taschen
Bill Blass
Tina Chow
Roger Prigent
Patricia Laigneau
Philippe de Baker
Claude Berri
Yves Gastou
Doug Tompkins
Paloma Picasso
Nicolas Berggruen
Pierre Hebey
Berwin / Levy
Maroun Salloum
Pierre Berge
Christophe Noirel
Antoine Broccardo
Frederic Malle
Jean-Claude Jacquemart
Gordon Watson
Hubert Zandberg
Pierre Lescure
David Holder
David Gill
Jean-Louis Remilleux