In this book, the doors of clubs and bars open somewhere between darkness and light, night and day, the interior and the outside world, and they create an atmosphere that, in the pursuit of com-fort, normally adopts the form of houses and man-sions, catering to as many circumstances and as many people as possible.Here antagonisms and contradictions find a balance that escapes all sense and meaning, like life itself,with our actions determined by the objects aroundus and constant looks from other people: the fleet-ing magic and spontaneity of theater, the ethereal and infinite space built by a voice whispering caressingly, gently, seemingly without breathing.
We cannot in fact define one single space, we cannot define space. The senses are linked like the five acts of a play unfurling on a stage on which we are the protagonists, as both observers and observed. A stage born from an intercultural and multidisciplinary context that fuses styles, materials and activities and prepares all possible backdrops, on the basis of a harmony made up of the senses.
Like an opera, which results from a combination of music and theater,clubs and bars classified by categories as varied and cosmopolitan as cafe, chill out and lounge are organized around lighting, sound, ges-tures and decor, and these elements have to reach a balance in which no single one can be allowed to predominate.
Inside these soothing temples of relaxation, music flows, in its notes and silences, with all the naturalness and delicacy of whispers, percep-tible but unobtrusive. It is complemented by the voice, and intimate spaces are provided for speaking or merely being silent.