The Best of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twenty of the very best tales from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's fifty-six short stories featuring the arch sleuth. Basing his selection around the author's own twelve personal favourites, David Stuart Davies has added a further eight sparkling stories to Conan Doyle's 'Baker Street Dozen', creating a unique volume which distils the pure essence of the world's most famous detective.
Within these pages the reader will encounter the greatest collection of villains and the weirdest and most puzzling mysteries ever seen in print. And thereat the centre, in a London swathed in eddies of fog and illuminated by gaslight, is to be found the remarkable character of Sherlock Holmes and his staunch companion, Doctor lohn H. Watson. Few will be able to resist this invitation to step aboard the waiting hansom cab and rattle off along cobbled streets into unirnagined dangers and intrigues.
A Scandal in Bohemia
First published in The Strand Magazine, July 1891
The Red-Headed League
First published in The Strand Magazine, August 1891
The Five Orange Pips
First published in The Strand Magazine, November 1891
The Man with the Twisted Lip
First published in The Strand Magazine, December 1891
The Blue Carbuncle
First published in The Strand Magazine, January 1892
The Speckled Band
First published in The Strand Magazine, February 1892
The Copper Beeches
First published in The Strand Magazine, June 1892
Silver Blaze
First published in The Strand Magazine, December 1892
The Musgrave Ritual
First published in The Strand Magazine, May 1893
The Reigate Squires
First published in The Strand Magazine, June 1893
The Greek Interpreter
First published in The Strand Magazine, September 1893
The Final Problem
First published in The Strand Magazine, December 1893
The Empty House
First published in The Strand Magazine, October 19o3
The Dancing Men
First published in The Strand Magazine, December 19o3
The Solitary Cyclist
First published in The Strand Magazine, January 1904
The Priory School
First published in The Strand Magazine, February 1904
Charles Augustus Milverton
First published in The Strand Magazine, April 19o4
The Second Stain
First published in The Strand Magazine, December 1904
The Devil's Foot
First published in The Strand Magazine, December 1910
The Illustrious Client
First published in The Strand Magazine,
February-March 1925