Motherless Sara Crewe was sent home from India to school at Miss Minchin’s. Her father was immensely rich and she became ’show pupil’ - a little princess. Then her father dies and his wealth disappears, and Sara has to learn to cope with her changed circumstances. Her strong character enables her to fight successfully against her new-found povertv and the scorn of her fellows.
I do not know whether many people realise how much more than is ever written there really is in a story - how many parts of it are never told - how much more really happened than there is in the book one holds in one’s hand and pores over. Stories are something like letters. When a letter is written, how often one remembers things omitted and says: ’Ah, why did I not tell them that?’In writing a book one relates all that one remembers at the time, and if one told all that really happened perhaps the book would never end. Between the lines of every story there is another story, and that is one that is never heard and can only be guessed at by the people who are good at guessing. The person who writes the story may never know all of it, but sometimes he does and wishes he had the chance to begin again...
A French Lesson
The Diamond Mines
The Diamond Mines Again
In the Attic
The Indian Gentleman
Ram Dass
The Other Side of the Wall
One of the Populace
What Melchisedec Heard and Saw
The Magic
The Visitor
’It is The Child!’
’I Tried Not to Be’