When Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert send to anorphanage for a boy to help them at GreenGables, their farm in Canada, they are astonishedwhen a talkative little girl steps off the train.
Anne, red-headed, pugnacious andincurably romantic, causes chaos at GreenGables and in the village. But her wit and goodnature make her a firm favourite not only in thefictional community on Prince Edward Island,but also with generations of readers on eitherside of the Atlantic.
I Mrs Rachel Lynde is Surprised
II Matthew Cuthbert is Surprised
III Marilla Cuthbert is Surprised
IV Morning at Green Gables
V Anne"s History
VI Marilla Makes up Her Mind
VII Anne says Her Prayers
VIII Anne"s Bringing-up is Begun
IX Mrs Rachel Lynde is Properly Horrified
X Anne"sApology
XI Anne"s Impressions of Sunday School
XII A Solemn Vow and Promise
XIIl The Delights of Anticipation
XlV Anne"s Confession
XV A Tempest in the School Teapot
XVI Diana is Invited to Tea, with Tragic Results
XVII A New Interest in Life
XVIII Anne to the Rescue
XIX A Concert, a Catastrophe and a Confession
xx A Good Imagination Gone Wrong
xxI A New Departure in Flavourings
xxII Anne is Invited out to Tea
xxIII Anne Comes to Grief in an Affair of Honour
xxIv Miss Staey and Her Pupils get up a Concert
xxv Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves
xxvI The Story Club is Formed
xxvii Vanity and Vexation of Spirit
xxvIII An Unfortunate Lily Maid
XXlX An Epoch in Anne"s Life
xxx The Queen"s Class is Organised
xxxi Where the Brook and River Meet
xxxII The Pass List is Out
xxxIII The Hotel Concert
xxxIV A Queen"s Girl
xxxv The Winter at Queen"s
xxxvi The Glory and the Dream
xxxvii The Reaper whose Name is Death
XXXVIII The Bend in the Road