The internationally bestselling guide to better thinking usedby tens of thousands of people - fully revised and updated.There is nothing more sad and wasteful than a roomful ofintelligent and highly paid people waiting for a chance to attacksomething the speaker has said. With the Six Hats method thefullest use is made of evenlone's intelligence, experience andinformation. The Six Hats also removes all 'ego' from thediscussion process.
Preface ix
Six Hats, Six Colours
Using the Hats
The White Hat
The White Hat: Facts and Figures
White Hat Thinking: Whose Fact Is It?
White Hat Thinking: Tapanese-Style Input
White Hat Thinking: Facts, Truth and Photosophers
White Hat Thinking: Who Puts on the Hat?
Summary of White Hat Thinking
The Red Hat
The Red Hat: Eanotfims and Feelings
Red Hat Thinking: The Place of'Emotions in
Red Hat Thinking: Inturtion and Hunches
Red Hat Thinlking. Moment to Moment
Red Hat Thinking: The Use of Emotions
Red Hat Thinking: The Language of Emotions
Summary of Red Hat Thinking
The Black Hat
The Black Hat: Cautious and Careful
Black Hat Thinking: Content and Process
Black Hat Thinking: The Past and the Future
Black Hat Thinking: The Problem of Overuse
Summary of Black Hat Thinking
The Yellow Hat
The Yellow Hat: Speculative-Positive
Yellow Hat Thinking: The Positive Spectrum
Yellow Hat Thinking: Reasons and Logical Support
Yellow Hat Thinking: Constructive Thinking
Yellow Hat Thinking: Speculation
Yellow Hat Thinking: Reation to Greativy
Summary of YeUow Hat Thinking
The Green Hat
The Green Hat: Creative Thinking
Green Hat Thinking: LaterM Thinking
Green Hat Thinking: Movement Instead of fuadgement
Green Hat Thinking: The Need for Provocation
Green Hat Thinking: Alternatives
Green Hat Thinking: Personality and Skill
Green Hat Thinking: What Happens to the Ideas?
Summary of Green Hat Thinking
The Blue Hat
The Blue Hat: Control of Thinking
Blue Hat Thinking: Focus
Blue Hat Thinking: Program Design
Blue Hat Thinking: Summaries and Conclusions
Blue Hat Thinking: Control and Monitoring
Summary of Blue Hat Thinking
Benefits of the Six Hats Method