According to John Gray, author of the number one hardcover bestseller of the last decade, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, just as the pace of life has accelerated so has your poten tial for change. By awakening your hidden power to create prac tical miracles, you will more effectively adjust to life’s challenges and respond with greater peace, joy, confidence, and love. When you feel a need to change, you will develop the ability to follow through without anxiety, resistance, indecision, or procrastina tion. You will be able to release such negative reactions as blame, judgment, or resentment, and respond in stressful circumstances with understanding, patience, and kindness.
Walking on water is certainly miraculous, but walking peace- fully on earth is an even greater miracle. Changing water to wine is wondrous, but it is more practical to change an unhealthy craving into a healthy desire. Raising the dead is clearly a miraculous demonstration of God’s power, but so is healing your daughter’s tummyache or removing the pain of an earache or, better yet, feeling vibrantly healthy so you don’t get sick in the first place. This power to create practical miracles is now within the reach of every person.
According to John Gray, author of the number one hardcover bestseller of the last decade, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, just as the pace of life has accelerated so has your poten tial for change. By awakening your hidden power to create prac tical miracles, you will more effectively adjust to life’s challenges and respond with greater peace, joy, confidence, and love. When you feel a need to change, you will develop the ability to follow through without anxiety, resistance, indecision, or procrastina tion. You will be able to release such negative reactions as blame, judgment, or resentment, and respond in stressful circumstances with understanding, patience, and kindness.
In order to fill each day with increasing wonder, power, and fulfillment, John Gray provides nine guiding principles for cre ating miracles in your life as well as new practical tools and techniques for taking charge of your personal destiny. The nine natural energy techniques do not take years of long practice to master; they easily can fit into your life, and they work right away. These nine energy techniques include:
The Recharging Technique
The Decharging Technique
The Natural Energy Diet
The Positive Response Technique
The Blockbuster Process
The Attitude Adjustment Technique
The Willful Breathing Technique
Natural Energy Healing
The "What If" Exercise
By following the nine guiding principles and practicing the nine natural energy techniques, you can open the door to a life filled with practical miracles.
1. Practical Miracles for Mars and Venus
2. Recognizing Our New Potential
3. The Nine Guiding Principles
4. Spiritual Algebra
5. Living in an Age of Miracles
6. A Life Free from Burden
7. Our Nine Primary Needs
8. The Balancing Act of Life
9. Learning How to Be Healed and Stay Healed
10. Nine Techniques for Creating Practical Miracles
11. The Recharging Technique
12. The Decharging Technique
13. The Natural Energy Diet
14. The Positive Response Technique
15. The Blockbuster Technique
16. The Attitude Adjustment Technique
17. The Willful Breathing Technique
18. Natural Energy Healing
19. The "What If" Technique
20. The Power Is Already Within You