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书名 UNIX教程(新版英文版第2版)/经典原版书库
分类 计算机-操作系统
作者 (美)萨沃尔
出版社 机械工业出版社

Since the first edition of this book, very little has been introduced in the world of business, scientific, or engineering computing and computer science that was either patently expected or blatantly announced in advance, and perhaps this is a mark of just how developed these dis ciplines have become. Still, the disciplines remain pervasive, and are notoriously segregated into the "open source" and proprietary camps, But the entrenched powers-whether legitimate or licentious-that dominate the business of computing continue to grow, and now reach an incredible level of influence on the distribution, consumption, and assimilation of informa tion in the transnational marketplace. Commensurate with this growth, UNIX and its clones now almost exclusivdy control the service of information giobaUy, and from all indications, this control will not be relinquished in the near future.







Chapter 0 A "Quick Sctrt" into the UNIX Operating System

0.1 Introduction

0.2 The Suucture of a UNIX Command

0.3 Logging On and Logging Off

0.3.1 Connecting via a UNIX Terminal

0.3.2 Connecting via PuTTv on a Microsoft Windows Machine

0.3.3 Connecting via a Telnet Client on a Microsoft W'mdows Madfine

0.4 File Maintenance Commands and Help on UNIX Command Usage

0.4.1 File and Directory Structure

0.4.2 Viewing the Contents of Files

0.4.3 Creating, Deleting and Managing Files

0.4.4 Creating, Deleting, and Managing Directories

0.4.5 Obtaining Help with the man Command

0.4.6 Other Methods of Obtaining Help

0.5 Utility Commands

0.5.1 Examimning System Setups

0.5.2 Printing and General Utility Commands

0.5.3 Communications Command

0.6 Command Aliases



Chapter I Overview of Operating Systems

1.1 Introduction

1.2 What h an Operating System?.

1.3 Operating System Services

1.4 Character venus Graphical User Interfaces

1.5 Types of Operating Systems

1.6 The UNIX Family



Chapter 2 Brief History of the UNIX Operating System

2.1 Introduction

2.2 The Development of the UNIX Operating System

 2.2.1 Beginnings

 2.2.2 Research Operating System

 2.2.3 AT&T System V

 2.2.4 Berkeley Software Distributions

 2,2.5 The History of Shells

 2.2.6 Current and Future Developments-LINUX

2.3 Variations in UNIX Systems

2.4 Web Resources



Chapter 3 Getting Started

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Computer System Software

 3.2.1 Main/Primary Storage

3.2.2 Central Processing Unit (CPU)

3.2.3 Disk

3.2.4 Bus

3.2.5 I/O Devices

3.3 UNIX Software Architecture

3.3.1 Device Driver Layer

3.3.2 The UNIX Kernel

3.3.3 The System Call Interface

3.3.4 Language Libraries

3.3.5 UNIX Shell

3.3.6 Applications

3.4 Losging On and Logging Off

3.5 Correcting Mistakes

3.6 Some Important System Setups



Chapter 4 UNIX Shells

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Various UNIX Shells

4.2.1 Shell Programs

4.2.2 Which Shell Suits Your Needs?

4.2.3 Ways to Change Your Shell

4.2.4 Shell Start-up Files and Environnfent Variables






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