ONCE she was the face that launched a thousand hits. Now Birdie Walker—rock widow.ageing wild child—is scratching at the dark heart of the music industry.She's the woman everyone stiLlloves to hate.Media darlinq. media demon。she fights with fame and infamy a[ike, atways watching with a greedy eye for the main chance. It advantage can be taken,she’ll take it.And then want more...
ONCE she was the face that launched a thousand hits. Now Birdie Walker—rock widow.ageing wild child—is scratching at the dark heart of the music industry.She"s the woman everyone stiLlloves to hate.Media darlinq. media demon。she fights with fame and infamy a[ike, atways watching with a greedy eye for the main chance. It advantage can be taken,she’ll take it.And then want more...