"Animal House Style is like curling up with an old friend (preferably four-legged): it's warm and cozy and kind of comforting.And it won't drool on you. Much.
"Julia Szabo happily (and quite successfully) helped me in my quest to find a home for a dog that my girlfriend and I had found abandoned by the side of the road. Julia helped us without hesitation and with all good feelings. That spirit is on every page of Animal House Style--a most helpful guide to enriching your home and making it more comfortable for both you and your pet. Enjoy!"
--Eric Stoltz (and Poppy)
Is your apartment decor decided by a yellow Lab? Does your kitty call the shots in interior design? Finally, here are stylish,realistic design ideas for living with pets.
Animal House Style is the first interior-design book to offer practical, chic advice about decorating your home and making it as elegant as it is petfriendly. It includes advice from all kinds of pet owners on how to select high-performance furnishings for maximum human, canine, feline,and other animal comfort without sacrificing good taste. Most important, it features what steps to take to keep your pet-friendly interiors looking great and other vital information such as which tools to use for cleaning, what kinds of paint to apply, and what fabrics are best for upholstery.
Written in a fresh, witty style by savvy journalist Julia Szabo--who has a near-encyclopedic knowledge of every chic pet option available--Animal House Style is intended for all pet owners.Szabo"s creative solutions and sensible, elegant design approach will delight animal lovers everywhere.
Now you can let the dog into the den and the cat onto the couch. Offering stylish answers for all your pet problems, Animal House Style promises to make every animal house a house beautiful.
Critter Comforts
Get Down
Four Walls,Four Paws
Fetching Fabrics
Whose Bed Is It,Anyway?
Someone"s in the Kitchen with Fido
Bath Time for Bonzo
Up to Sniff
Paws for Safety
Resource Guide
Picture Credits