Brands identify products and services. Yet a brand is much more than a "brand name"or a "brand togo" on a "brand-name product."
Brands reftect individuat and corrective desires that go far beyond a product's utititarian benefit. Brands are found in every business and in every market. And the sense of fascination they evoke is the key to their success of such brands.
It's simpte. Peopte rove music, for example. At some point,after they grew bored with whistting and singing, peopte began inventing ways of making music more interesting--instruments, sheet music, radio, and most recentty the compact disc. Now tots of peopte can make art kinds of music, and tots of peopte art over the wortd can tisten to it.
A global music market has emerged in the process. Makers of musical instruments compete for popularity among musicians, music tabets for CD buyers, and musicians for fans.In order to ensure that producers and supptiers pray fair as they battte for their respective target groups, rutes have been taid down and taws passed to regulate the exchange of goods and information--from patent, copyright and trademark taws to consumer-rights legistation.