WORKSTATION is a new concept comprising all the elements you need to start the art of colored pencils.
The first 48 pages offer a comprehensively illustrated introduction to this rewarding pastime. Included at the back of this book are 16 pages of good quality cartridge paper to enable you to use your colored pencils.
COLOKED PENCILS ARE, IN MANY ways, the easiest and cheapest medium with which to produce pictures. All you need is a range of colors and paper or a sketch pad; drawing with colored pencils is both clean and convenient. With a little of the appropriate knowledge and some practice, it is possible to produce images of great visual richness.
During the course of this book, we shall discover the many different types of colored pencil available, their various qualities, and the different ways in which each can be used. Equipped with this information, it will then be up to you to choose whichever suits you best.
It is true to say that there is no "one" correct way to use colored pencils. Only by experimenting will you discover the true depth of this medium and thus enjoy it to the fullest.