一部史诗般壮阔的浪漫传奇诗篇!魅力四射、倾倒众生的传奇女子郝思嘉在美国内战期间,面对不幸坚强生活,从一个受人仰慕的庄园娇小姐到自食其力的女商人。虽执着的爱着一个人,却又三嫁他人,仍无法得到梦想的爱情,糊涂的她发现今生至爱时,爱又离她而去…… 残酷的南北战争,真切而伤感的经典爱情!小说问世即引起巨大的轰动,迅速成为全球畅销书,至今仍是全球无数“飘”迷所津津乐道的。本书为英文原版小说。
The greatest love story of our time, the story of Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler...Margaret Mitchell’s monumental epic of the South won a Pulitzer Prize, gave rise to the most popular motion picture of our time, and inspired a sequel that became the fastest selling novel of the century. It is one of the most popular books ever written; more thin 28 million copies of the book have been sold in more than 37 countries. Today, more than half a century after its initial publication, its achievements are unparalleled, and it remains the most revered American saga and the most beloved work by an American writer...