This book is divided into two parts.
The first one is purely algebraic. Its objective is the classification of quadratic forms over the field of rational numbers (Hasse-Minkowski theorem). It is achieved in Chapter IV.
Part I-Algebraic Methods
ChapterI Finite fields
2-Equations over a finite field
3-Quadratic reciprocity law
Appendix-Another proof of the quadratic reciprocity law
Chapter II p-adic fields
1-The ring Zp and the field
2-p-adic equations
3-The multiplicative group of
Chapter II nHilbert symbol
1-Local properties
2-Global properties
Chapter IV Quadratic forms over Qp and over Q
1-Quadratic forms
2-Quadratic forms over Q
3-Quadratic forms over Q
Appendix Sums of three squares
Chapter V Integral quadratic forms with discriminant
2-Statement of results
Part II-Analytic Methods
Chapter VI-The theorem on arithmetic progressions
1-Characters of finite abelian groups
2-Dirichlet series
3-Zeta function and L functions
4-Density and Dirichlet theorem
Chapter Vll-Modular forms
1-The modular group
2-Modular functions
3-The space of modular forms
4-Expansions at infinity
5-Hecke operators
6-Theta functions
Index of Definitions
Index of Notations