What was the Black Death? Why were books chained up? Why were the peasants revolting? With detailed, lively answers to these and many other fascinating questions. I Wonder Why Castles Had Moats is a perfect introduction to the world of long ago. Combining incredible information with awesome artwork, it is guaranteed to amaze and inspire!
4 What were the Middle Ages in the middle of?
6 Why did kings and gueens wear crowns?
7 Why were the peasants revolting ?
8 WhB did castles have moats?
10 Why did kni9 hts wear armour?
12 Why did churches have steeples?
13 Why did mosques have minarets?
14 Who wore steeples on their heads?
15 Who wore platform shoes?
16 Why did people eat with their fin9ers?
17 Did people eat potatoes?
17 Did people chew 9um?
18 what were garderobes?
19 Did people take baths?
19 what was the Black Death?
20 Did children have to go to school?
21 Why did Incas get tied up in knots?
22 Why were books chained up?
23 Why was it hard to tell the time?
24 where did china come from?
24 Who got puffed in Venice?
25 Why did artists break eggs?
26 Why was football banned?
27 what was the Festival of Fools?
27 Who said yes to No plays?
28 where was Vinland the Good?
29 Who went to sea in junks?
29 Was Sinbad a real sailor?
30 Where did Robin Hood live?
31 who was Joan of Arc?
31 who was a teenage warrior?
32 Index