The story of Eragon began as the daydreams of a teen. Christopher's love for the magic of stories led him to craft a novel that he would enjoy reading. The project began as a hobby; he never intended to be published. He took a month to plot out the entire trilogy, then sat on the sofa and began writing in a notebook. When he reached sixty pages, he gained enough confidence to transfer his work to his Macintosh computer, where most of Eragon was written, although he sometimes found that the story flowed better when he wrote by hand. All the characters in Eragon are from Christopher's imagination except Angela the herbalist, who is loosely based on his sister.
Christopher Paolini was born on November 17, 1983 in Southern California. Aside from a few years in Anchorage, Alaska, he spent his entire life in Paradise Valley, Montana, where he still lives with his parents and younger sister, Angela. They have two pets, Otis, a black and white cat, and Annie, a frisky cocker/Australian shepherd mix. Tall, jagged Beartooth Mountains rise on one side of the Paradise Valley. Snowcapped most of the year, they inspired the fantastic scenery in Eragon. A few years ago, Christopher hiked to the top of one peak and could see the Grand Teton mountain range, 100 miles to the south. Christopher was homeschooled by his parents. He often wrote short stories and poems in attempt to put his thoughts into words. He made frequent trips to the library and read widely. Some of his favorite books were Bruce Coville's Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher, Frank Herbert's Dune, Raymond E. Feist's Magician, and Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials, as well as books by Anne McCaffrey, Jane Yolen, Brian Jacques, E. R. Eddison, David Eddings, and Ursula Le Guin. Christopher grew up listening to a variety of music, but classical music fired his imagination and helped him write. He often listened to Mahler, Beethoven, and Wagner while writing Eragon. The final battle of Eragon was written while listening to “Carmina Burana,” by Carl Orff. The story of Eragon began as the daydreams of a teen.
Synopsis of Eragon
A 11Win Disaster
The CounciI of Eiders
Truth Among Friends
The Hunted Hunters
Saphira’S Promise
A S0rceress.a Snake,and a Scroll
Hrothgar’s Gift
Hammer and Tongs
Az SweIdn rak Anhfiin
Diamonds in the Night
Under a Darkling Sky
Down the Rushing Mere-Wash
Arya Svit-kona
Wounds of the Past
Wounds of the Present
His Enemy's Face
Arrow to the Heart
The Dagshe[gr Invocation
The Pinewood City
Queen Islanzadi
Out of the Past
On the Crags of Tel'naeir
The Secret Lives of Ants
Under the Menoa Tree
A Maze of Opposition
Hanging by a Thread
Why Do You Fight?
Black Morning Glory
The Nature of Evil
Image of Perfection
The Obliterator
The Hammer Falls
The Beginning of Wisdom
Broken Egg and Scattered Nest
The Girl of Dragons
In a Starry Glade
deod Longshanks
An Unexpected Ally
Child's Play
Premonition of War
Red Blade, White Blade
Visions Near and Far
The Maw of the Ocean
Running the Boar's Eye
To Aberon
The Burning Plains
The Clouds of War
Nar Garzhvog
Witch's Brew
The Storm Breaks
Pronunciation Guide and Glossary