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书名 | 安徒生童话全集(中中文导读英文版) |
分类 | 文学艺术-文学-外国文学 |
作者 | (丹麦)安徒生 |
出版社 | 清华大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 在童话世界里,安徒生这个名字像一座永恒的丰碑,闪耀着最辉煌的光芒。他的一生共创作有一百六十多篇美丽的童话,本书现将他所有的作品收编于上中下三册中。 童话的情节曲折动人,童话的主人公幸福无比。打开本书,让我们畅游在安徒生童话的美妙世界中,把生活创造的更美丽。 内容推荐 安徒生童话是一部以童话而名扬世界的文学巨著,它是由丹麦著名诗人、童话作家安徒生历时近40年创作而成。“丑小鸭”、“皇帝的新装”、“拇指姑娘”和“卖火柴的小女孩”伴随了一代又一代人的美丽童年、少年直至成年。安徒生童话问世一百多年来,至今仍被译成世界上140种文字,而其中英文译本更是不计其数。本书选用的是最著名的英文译本之一,为了使读者能够了解英文童话故事概况,进而提高阅读速度和阅读水平,在每篇英文童话故事的开始部分增加了中文导读。 目录 中 篇 57.世上最美丽的一朵玫瑰花/The Loveliest Rose in the World 58.一年的故事/The Story ofthe Year 59.最后的一天/On the Las tDay 60.完全是真的/“It’S Quite True!” 61.天鹅的窝/The Swan’S Nest 62.好心境/Good Humour 63.伤心事/A Great Grief 64.各得其所/Everything in Its Right Place 65.小鬼和小商人/The Goblin and the Huckster 66.一千年之内/In a Thousand Years 67.柳树下的梦/Under the Willow Tree 68.一个豆英里的五粒豆/Five Out of One Pod 69.天上落下来的一片叶子/A Leaf From the Sky 70.她是一个废物/She Was Good for Nothing 71.最后的珠子/The Last Pearl 72.两个姑娘/Two Maidens 73.在辽远的海极/In the Uttermost Parts ofthe Sea 74.钱猪/The Money-Pig 75.依卜和小克丽斯玎/Ib and Christine 76.笨汉汉斯/Jack the Dullard 77.光荣的荆棘路/The Thorny Road of Honour 78.犹太女子/The Jewish Girl 79.瓶颈/The Bottle-Neck 80.聪明人的宝石/The Stone ofthe Wise Men 81.香肠栓熬的汤/Soup on a Sausage-Peg 82.单身汉的睡帽/The Old Bachelor’S Nightcap 83.一点成绩/Something 84.老栎树的梦——个圣诞节的童话/The Last Dream of the Old Oak Tree——A Christmas Tale 85.识字课本/The A.B.C.Book 86.沼泽王的女儿/The Marsh King’S Daughter 87.赛跑者/The Racers 88.钟渊/The Bell.Deep 89.恶毒的王子/The Wicked Prince 90.一个贵族和他的女儿们/The Wind Tells About Waldemar Daa and His Daughters. 91.踩着面包走的女孩/The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf 92.守塔人奥列/Ole the Tower-Keeper 93.安妮莉斯贝/Anne Lisbeth 94.孩子们的闲话/Children’S Prattle 95.一串珍珠/A String of Pearls 96.笔和墨水壶/The Pen and Inkstand 97.墓里的孩子/The Child in the Grave 98.两只公鸡/The Farm-Yard Cock and Weathercock 99.“美”/Charming 100.沙丘的故事/A Story From the Sand—Dunes 101.演木偶戏的人/The Puppet Showman 102.两兄弟/Two Brothers 103.古教堂的钟/The Old Church Bell 104.乘邮车来的十二位旅客/Twelve by the Mail 105.甲虫/The Beetle 106.老头子做事总不会错/What the Old Man Does Is Right 107.雪人/The Snow Man 108.在养鸭场里/In the Duck—Yard 109.新世纪的女神/The Muse of the New Century 110.冰姑娘/The Ice Maiden 试读章节 57.世上最美丽的一朵玫瑰花 The Lovelest Rose in the World 以前,有一位很有权力的皇后,她的花园种满了各种玫瑰花,但是她自己却病得起不来了,御医说只有在她闭眼之前送她一朵世界上最美丽的玫瑰花——一朵表示最高尚、最纯洁爱情的玫瑰花,才能够救她。 各地的人们送来各种玫瑰花,但都不是所需要的。一个幸福的母亲带着自己的孩子来到皇后身边,说她的孩子是最美的玫瑰,但是御医说还有更美的玫瑰。另一个女人说,摘下皇冠并祈求上帝保佑自己孩子时的皇后是最美的玫瑰,可是御医说这并不是我们要寻找的玫瑰。老主教说,在上帝的祭坛看到了最美的玫瑰,然而这还不是可以治愈皇后病的玫瑰。这时,皇后的小儿子走进房间,他在母亲身边读着一个为了拯救人类而在十字架上牺牲了自己生命的人的故事。终于,皇后看到了那从基督的血里开出的一朵世界上最美丽的玫瑰花。 Once there reigned a Queen, in whose garden were found the most glorious flowers at all seasons and from all the lands in the world; but especially she loved roses, and therefore she possessed the most various kinds of this flower, from the wild dog-rose, with the apple-scented green leaves, to the most splendid Provence rose. They grew against the castle walls, wound themselves round pillars and win-dow-frames, into the passages, and all along the ceiling in all the halls. And the roses were various in fragrance, form, and colour. But care and sorrow dwelt in these halls: the Queen lay upon a sick-bed, and the doctors declared that she must die. “There is still one thing that can save her,” said the wisest of them. “Bring her the loveliest rose in the world, the one which is the expression of the brightest and purest love; for if that is brought before her eyes ere they close, she will not die.” And young and old came from every side with roses, the loveliest that bloomed in each garden; but they were not the right sort. The flower was to be brought out of the garden of Love; but what rose was it there that expressed the highest and purest love? And the poets sang of the loveliest rose in the world, and each one named his own; and intelligence was sent far round the land to every heart that beat with love, to every class and condition, and to every age. “No one has till now named the flower,” said the wise man. “No one has pointed out the place where it bloomed in its splendour. They are not the roses from the coffin of Romeo and Juliet, or from the Walborg's grave, though these roses will be ever fragrant in song and story. They are not the roses that sprout forth from Winkelried's bloodstained lances, from the blood that flows in a sacred cause from the breast of the hero who dies for his country; though no death is sweeter than this, and no rose redder than the blood that flows then. Nor is it that wondrous flower, to cherish which man devotes, in a quiet chamber, many a sleepless night, and much of his fresh life--the magic flower of science.” “I know where it blooms,”said a happy mother, who came with her tender child to the bed-side of the Queen. “I know where the loveliest rose of the world is found! The rose that is the expression of the highest and purest love springs from the blooming cheeks of my sweet child when, strengthened by sleep, it opens its eyes and smiles at me with all its affection!” “Lovely is this rose; but there is still a lovelier,” said the wise man. “Yes, a far lovelier one,” said one of the women. “I have seen it, and a loftier, purer rose does not bloom, but it was pale like the petals of the tea-rose. I saw it on the cheeks of the Queen. She had taken off her royal crown, and in the long dreary night she was carrying her sick child in her arms: she wept, kissed it, and prayed for her child as a mother prays in the hour of her anguish.” “Holy and wonderful in its might is the white rose of grief; but it is not the one we seek.” “No, the loveliest rose of the world I saw at the altar of the Lord,”said the good old Bishop. “I saw it shine as if an angel's face had appeared. The young maidens went to the Lord's Table, and renewed the promise made at their baptism, and roses were blushing, and pale roses shining on their fresh cheeks. A young girl stood there;she looked with all the purity and love of her young spirit up to heaven: that was the expression of the highest and the purest love.” “May she be blessed!" said the wise man; ”but not one of you has yet named to me the loveliest rose of the world." Then there came into the room a child, the Queen's little son. Tears stood in his eyes and glistened on his cheeks: he carried a great open book, and the binding was of velvet, with great silver clasps. “Mother!”cried the little boy, “only hear what I have read.” And the child sat by the bed-side, and read from the book of Him who suffered death on the Cross to save men, and even those who were not yet born. “Greater love there is not-” And a roseate hue spread over the cheeks of the Queen, and her eyes gleamed, for she saw that from the leaves of the book there bloomed the loveliest rose, that sprang from the blood of CHRIST shed on the Cross. “I see it!” she said: “he who beholds this, the loveliest rose on earth, shall never die.” P437-439 |
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