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书名 | 格林童话全集(下中文导读英文版) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | (德国)格林 |
出版社 | 清华大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 《格林童话》是作为著名语言学家和历史学家的格林兄弟---雅格布·格林和威廉·格林于十八世纪后半期到十九世纪德国文化的顶峰时期创作成功的——。这批童话的产生,在全世界一代又一代的少年儿童中产生了几乎不可替代的影响,以至于成为所有国家少年儿童所共用的启蒙教材。一百多年来,《格林童话》一直受到世界各地少年儿童的喜爱,这是因为故事里面包含了许多充满离奇的、冒险的、使人流连忘返的传奇故事。读者们一定会被书中那些奇妙美丽的意境、曲折迷离的故事情节所吸引! 内容推荐 格林童话是一部以童话而名扬世界的文学巨著,它是由德国的格林兄弟搜集整理而成。“灰姑娘”、“睡美人”、“白雪公主”和“小红帽”伴随了一代又一代人的美丽童年、少年直至成年。格林童话问世已近二百年,至今被译成世界上140多种文字,而其中英文译本更是不计其数。本书选用的是最著名的英文译本之一,为了使读者能够了解英文童话故事概况,进而提高阅读速度和阅读水平,在每篇英文童话故事的开始部分增加了中文导读。 目录 下 篇 124.三兄弟/The Three Brothers 125.魔鬼和他的祖母/The Devil and His Grandmother 126.忠实的费尔南德和不忠实的费尔南德/Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful 127.铁炉子/The Iron Stove 128.懒惰的纺纱妇/The Lazy Spinner 129.本领高强的四个兄弟/The Four Skilful Brothers 130.一只眼、两只眼和三只眼/One—Eye,Two—Eyes, and Three—Eyes 131.美丽的卡特琳娜勒和皮夫·帕夫·帕尔特里/Fair Katrinelje and Pif-Paf-Poltrie 132.狐狸和马/The Fox and the Horse 133.跳破了的鞋/The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces 134.六个仆人/The Six Servants 135.白新娘和黑新娘/The White Bride and the Black Bride. 136.铁汉斯/Iron Hans 137.三个黑衣公主/The Three Black Princesses 138.克诺衣斯特和他的三个儿子/Knoist and His Three Sons 139.布拉克姑娘/The Maid of Brakel 140.我的一家/My Household 141.小羊和小鱼/The Lambkin and the Little Flsh 142.泽姆西山/Simeli Mountain 143.旅行/Going a Travelling 144.毛驴/The Donkey 145.不孝之子/The Ungrateful Son 146.萝卜/The Turnip 147.返老还童/The Old Man Made Young Again 148.上帝的动物和魔鬼的动物/TheLord’SAnimals and the Devil’S 149.雄鸡驮木梁/The Beam 150.要饭的老太婆/The Old Beggar-Woman 151.三个懒人/The Three Sluggards 152.十二个懒仆人/The Twelve Idle Servants 153.牧童/The Shepherd Boy 154.星币/The Star-Money 155.偷藏的钱/The Stolen Farthings 156.选择未婚妻/Looking for a Bride 157.扔掉的东西/The Hurds 158.麻雀和它的四个孩子/The Sparrow and His Four Children 159.极乐世界的童话/The Story of Schlauraffen Land 160.不可置信的童话/The Ditmarsch Tale of Wonders 161.谜语童话/A Riddling Tale 162.雪白的玫瑰和红玫瑰/Snow-White and Rose-Red 163.聪明的仆人/The Wise Servant 164.玻璃棺材/The Glass Coffin 165.懒人海因茨/Lazy Harry 166.大鹏/The Griffin 167.强壮的汉斯/Strong Hans 168.农夫进天堂/The Peasant in Heaven 169.瘦子丽莎/Lean Lisa 170.林中小屋/The Hut in the Forest 171.同甘共苦/Sharing Joy and Sorrow 172.篱笆王/The Willow—Wren 173.比目鱼/The Sole 174.大麻鸟和戴胜鸟/The Bittern and the Hoopoe 175.猫头鹰/The Owl 176.月亮/The Moon 177.寿命/The Duration of Life 178.死神的使者/Death’S Messengers 179.鞋匠师傅/Master Pfriem 180.井边放鹅女/The Goose-Girl at the Well 181.夏娃的孩子各不相同/Eve’S Various Children 182.池塘里的水妖/The Nixie of the Mill-Pond 183.小矮人的礼物/The Little Folks’Presents 184.巨人和裁缝/The Giant and the Tailot 185.钉子/The Nail 186.墓中可怜的孩子/The Poor Boy in the Grave 187.真正的新娘/The True Bride 188.兔子和刺猬/The Hare and the Hedgehog 189.纺锤、梭子和缝衣针/The Spindle,the Shuttle and the Needle. 190.农夫和魔鬼/The Peasant and the Devil 191.桌子上的面包屑/The Crumbs on the Table 192.海兔/The Sea—Hare 193.贼王/The Master-Thief 194.鼓手/The Drummer 195.麦穗/The Ear of Corn 196.坟丘/The Grave-Mound 197.老林克兰克/Old Rinkrank 198.水晶球/The Crystal Ball 199.梅琳姑娘/Maid Maleen 200.牛皮靴/The Boots of Buffalo—Leather 201.金钥匙/The Golden Key 202.森林里的圣者约瑟夫/St.Joseph in the Forest 203.十二使徒/The Twelve Apostles 204.玫瑰/The Rose 205.贫穷和屈辱可以使人上天堂/Poverty and Humility Lead to Heaven 206.上帝之食/God’S Food 207.三根绿树枝/The Three Green Twigs 208.圣母杯/Our Lady’S Little Glass 209.老太婆/The Aged Mother 210.天堂的婚礼/The Heavenly Wedding 211.榛子树/The Hazel-Branch 试读章节 132.狐狸和马 The Fox and the Horse 一个农夫有一匹忠实的马。当马老了,不能干活了,它的主人把它赶到野外去。 马在森林里遇见了一只狐狸。狐狸问马为何这么孤单,马告诉它:“我的主人把我赶出了家门,他对我说,如果我还强壮得能抓头狮子给他,他就留下我。可我做不到。” 狐狸愿意帮助马,它吩咐马躺到地上装死。而后它告诉狮子外面躺着一匹死马。狮子跟它来到马的身边,狐狸说:“我可以把马尾巴拴到你身上,让你把它拖到洞里慢慢地享用了。”于是狮子站在那里一动不动。狐狸用马尾巴把狮子的腿绑住,让他无法挣脱。而后它让马把狮子拉走。狮子吼叫起来,但马一直把它拖到了主人的门前。 它的主人看到这情景,供养着马,直到它死去。 A peasant had a faithful horse which had grown old and could d。no more work,so his master would no longer give him anything to eat and said:“I can certainly make no more use of you,but still I mean well by you;if you prove yourself still strong enough to bring me a lion here,1 will maintain you,but now take yourself away out of my stable,”and with that he chased him into the open country.The horse was sad,and went to the forest to seek a little protection there from the weather.Then the fox met him and said:“Why do you hang your head SO,and go about all alone?” "Alas," replied the horse, "avarice and fidelity do not dwell together in one house.My master has forgotten what services I have performed for him for so many years,and because I can no longer plough well, he will give me no more food, and has driven me out." "Without giving you a chance?" asked the fox. "The chance was a bad one. He said, if I were still strong enough to bring him a lion, he would keep me,but he well knows that I cannot do that." The fox said: "I will help you, just lay yourself down, stretch yourself out, as if you were dead, and do not stir." The horse did as the fox desired, and the fox went to the lion, who had his den not far off, and said: "A dead horse is lying outside there, just come with me, you can have a rich meal." The lion went with him, and when they were both standing by the horse the fox said: "After all, it is not very convenient for you here-- I tell you what -- I will fasten it to you by the tail, and then you can drag it into your cave, and devour it in peace." This advice pleased the lion: he lay down, and in order that the fox might tie the horse fast to him, he kept quite quiet. But the fox tied the lion's legs together with the horse's tail, and twisted and fastened all so well and so strongly that no strength could break it. When he had finished his work, he tapped the horse on the shoulder and said:"Pull, white horse, pull." Then up sprang the horse at once, and drew the lion away with him. The lion began to roar so that all the birds in the forest flew out in terror, but the horse let him roar, and drew him and dragged him over the country to his master's door. When the master saw the lion, he was of a better mind, and said to the horse:"You shall stay with me and fare well," and he gave him plenty to eat until he died. P667-668 |
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