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书名 | 英语常用同义词辨析300例 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 汤海平 |
出版社 | 西安交通大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书按照字母表顺序排列收录了同义词300组,每组同义词定义和解释准确、简明扼要,释义所涉及的词汇量精心控制在千余条之内。所提供的例句清晰、明了、语言信息丰富,有助于学习和掌握。书后还附有练习与答案及按字母顺序排列的全部词条索引,方便读者查询。 内容推荐 本书汇集了300组英语常用同义词的辨析,共涉及词汇(语)千余条。其主要特点是将“解释”、“示例”、“注释”、“练习”融为一体。通过精辟的解释、典型的示例、透彻的注释使读者真正理解同义词的涵义和用法;通过做相应的练习题,促使读者加深了记忆,巩固了知识,提高了使用能力。书后的附录Ⅱ还按字母顺序排列了全部词条的索引,使得查阅起来更加快捷方便。 目录 A 1.above,over,on prep. 2.accept,receive vt. 3.accident,event,incident n. 4.ache,pain,smart v.& n. 5.across,through prep. 6.act,action n. 7.actually,indeed adv. in fact prep.phr. 8.affect,influence vt. 9.afraid,frightened adj. 10.after,in prep. 11.ago,before adv. . 12.a great many,many a(an) 13.agree,assent,consent,approve vi. 14.alive,live,living adj. 15.all,whole adj. 16.allow,permit,let vt.& vi. 17.almost。nearly adv. 18.alone,lonely add. 19.alone,by oneself adv. 20.aloud,loud,loudly adv. 21.all right,certainly adv. 22.also,too,either,as well adv. 23.although,though,as conj. 24.among,between,amid prep. 25.anger,fury,rage n. 26.announce,declare vt. 27.answer,reply,respond,return vi.& vt. 28.appear,seem vi. 29.around,round prep.& adv. 30.arrive,reach,get v. 31.ask,question,inquire vt. 32.ask,beg,demand,require vt. 33.at last,lastly,finally,in the end adv. 34.awake,awaken,wake,waken vi.& vt. EXERCISE A B 35.bank,beach,coast,shore n. 36.battle,fight,w'ar n. 37.bear,stand,suffer vt.& vi. 38.be able to,can 73. 39.beat,hit,strike vi.& vt. 40.beat,conquer,defeat,overcome vt. 41.beautiful,good—looking,lovely,pretty,handsome adj. 42.because,for,as,since COnj. 43.because of,due to,owing to,thanks tO prep. 44.become,get,go,grow,turn v. 45.begin,start,commence vi.& vt. 46.believe,believe in,trust vt................. 47.below,under prep. 48.besides,except,but prep. 49.besides,moreover adv. ... 50.big,large,great adj. 51.borrow,lend vt. 52.bright,clever,wise adj. 53.bring,take,fetch,get,carry vt. 54.broad,wide adj. 55.build,found,put up,set up vt. 56.buy,purchase vt. 57.by,beside,at prep. 58.by,with,in prep. EXERCISE B C 59.carry,convey,transfer vt. 60.catch,understand,see vi.& vt. 61.catch,seize,capture,grasp vt. 62.cause,reason n. 63.certain,some adj. 64.certain,sure,confident,positive adj. 65.certainly,of course,surely adv. 66.chance,occasion,opportunity n. 67.change,turn,vary vi.& vt. 68.charge,accuse vt. 69.cheat,deceive vt. 70.check,examine vt. 71.check,curb,restrain,stop vt. 72.choose,pick,select,elect vt. 73.climb,crawl,creep vi. 74.close,near adj.& adv. 75.close。shut vt.& vi. 76.clothing,clothes,dress n. 77.compare,contrast vt.&vi. 78.continual,continuous,constant adj. 79.continue,go on,keep on vt.& vi. 80.correct,rectify vt. 81.cost,take,spend vt. 82.count,calculate,estimate vt.& vi. 83.cry,exclaim,shout,scream vi.& vt. 84.cry,weep,sob vt.& vi. 85.cure,heal,treat,remedy vt. EXERCISE C D 86.date,day n. 87.dead,dying adj. 88.decide,determine,settle,resolve vt.& vi. 89.defend,protect,guard vt. 90.depend,rely vi. 91.despise,disdain,scorn Vt. 92.different,various adj. 93.difficult,hard adj. 94.disclose,expose,reveal vt. - 95.discover,detect,find vt. ..... . 96.divide,separate,part vi.&vt. EXERCISE D E 97.each,every adj. 98.easy,facile,effortless adj. 99.effect,impact,influence n. 100.effective,efficient,effectual,efficacious adj. 101.effort,endeavor n. 102.empty,blank,hollow adj. 103.enough,sufficient,ample adj. 104.escape,flee,run away vi. 105.example,instance,ease n. 106.excuse,forgive,pardon vt. d 107.exercise,practice,drill n. 108.expect,anticipate vt. 109.explain,interpret vi.& vt. EXERCISE E F 110.fall,drop vi. 111.farther,further add.8L adv. 112.fast,quick,rapid,speedy adj. 113.fear,fright,dread n. 114.feeling,emotion n. 115.find,100k for vt. 116.find,find out vt. 117.finish,complete vt. 118.fog,mist,haze n. 119.foolish,silly,stupid adj. 120.force,compel,oblige vt. EXERCISE F G 121.game,match n. 122.gather,collect vi.&vt. 123.gaze,glare,stare vi. 124.gift,present n. 125.give,present vt. 126.give in,give up v. 127.glad,happy,joyful adj. 128.glide,slide,slip,skid vi. 129.guess,conjecture vt.& vi. EXERCISE G H 130.habit,practice,custom n. 131.happen,take place,occur vi. 132.harbor,port,haven n. 133.hardly,scarcely,barely adv. 134.have,there be,own,possess v. 135.have to,must V. 136.hear,listen vi. 137.help,aid,assist vt. 138.high,tall adj. 139.high,highly adv. 140.holiday,vacation n. 141.hope,wish vi.&vt. EXERCISE H I 142.idea,notion,thought n. 143.if,whether COnj. 144.ill,sick adj. 145.illness,sickness,disease n. 146.immediately,at once,instantly,presently adv. 147.improve,better Vt. 148.in front of,in the front of,before prep. 149.include,contain,comprise vt. 150.indeed,really,truly adv. 151.infer,conclude,deduce vt. 152.instead adv., instead of prep. 153.intend,mean,propose Vt. 154.interesting,interested adj. 155.into prep,in prep.&adv. EXERCISE I J 156.job,work,task n. 157.join,attend,participate v. 158.ioin,unite,connect,link vt. 159.journey,trip,travel,tour n. 160.joy,pleasure,delight n. 161.jump,leap,spring vt.&vi. 162.just,fair,impartial adj. EXERCISE J K 163.keen,eager,anxious adj. 164.keep,hold,retain vt. 165.kill,shoot,murder,slaughter vt. 166.kind,sort,type,species n. 167.know,recognize 口. 168.knowledge,information,learning n. EXERC:ISE K L 169.1ast,final,ultimate adj. 170.1augh,smile,mock vi.& vt. 171.1ay,put,place,set vt. 172.1ead,guide,conduct,direct vt. 173.1earn,study vi.& vt. 174.1ike,alike adj. 175.1ike prep., as conj. 176.1ike,love,prefer vt. 177.1ikely,possible,probable adj. 178.1ittle,small,tiny adj. 179.100k,see,watch vi.& vt. EXERCISE L M 180.make,produce,manufacture vt. &vi. 181.matter,affair,business n. 182.may,might u. 183.maybe,perhaps,probably adv. 184.meet,meet with 口t. 185.meeting,conference,congress n. 186.mend,patch,repair,fix ut. 187.move,remove,shift vi.8L ut. EXERCISE M N 188.need,want vt. 189.neglect,overlook,ignore vt. 190.neither,none,no one pron. 191.no,not,never adv. 192.noise,sound,voice n. 193.note,notice,observe,attend vt. EXERCISE N o 194.object,objective n. 195.object,oppose vi.8L ut. 196.often,frequently adv. 197.older,elder adj. 198.only,but adv. 199.opposite,contrary,contradictory aaj. 200.order,command,direct vt. 201.ought to,should n. 202.outlook,prospect n. EXERCISE 0 P 203.pair,couple n. 204.period,age,era n. 205.play,play at,play with vt. 207.power,force,strength n. 208.price,cost,charge n. 209.profound,deep adj. 210.propose,suggest vt. 211.postpone,delay,put off vt. 212.pull,drag,draw,tug vi.&vt. EXERCISE P Q 213.quality,property n. 214.quarrel,argue,debate,dispute vi. ’ 215.queer,odd,strange,quaint adj. 216.question,problem n. 217.quiet,calm,still,silent adj. EXERCISE Q R 218.raise,1ift,heave vt. 219.raise,rise v. 220.rare,scarce,uncommon,unusual adj. 221.rash,reckless adj. 222.read,peruse vt. 223.real,true,actual adj. 224.recall,remember,remind vt. 225.recover,restore v. 226.reduce,decrease,diminish,lessen vt.&vi. 227.refuse,decline,reject vt. 228.release,free,liberate vt. 229.rich,wealthy adj. 230.right,correct adj. 231. rob, steal vt. 232. rubbish, litter n. 233. rush, dash vt.& vi. EXERCISE R S 234. safe, secure adj. 235.salary, wages, pay n. 236.same, identical adj. 237.satisfactory, satisfied, content adj. 238.satisfy, gratify, meet yr. 239.say, speak, talk, tell vi.& vt. 240.search, seek, hunt, rummage vi. & vt. 241.seat, sit vt. 242. send, dispatch, deliver, forward vt. .... 243. shade, shadow n. 244. shake, shiver, tremble, quiver vi. 245. slow, slowly adv. 246. smash, break, crush vi. & vt. 247. so adv. , such adj. 248. someone, somebody pron. 249. sometime, sometimes adv. 250. speed, pace, rate n. 251 special, especial, particular, peculiar adj. 252 state, condition, situation, case n. 253 stay, remain vi. 254 stop, end, pause vi. 255 strict, stern, severe adj. 256 suspect, doubt, distrust vt. EXERCISE S T 257. teach, instruct, educate, coach vt. 258. terrible, horrible adj. 259. think, ponder, reflect, meditate vi. & vt. 260. throw, toss, hurl, fling vt. & vi. 261. till, until conj. & prep. 262. tired, weary, exhausted adj. 263. tiresome, tedious adj. 264. trade, commerce n. 265. trial, test, experiment n. 266. try, attempt, endeavor v. 267. turn, circle, revolve vt. & vi. EXERCISE T U 268. upset, overturn vt. & vi. 269. unless, if ... not conj. 270. use, employ, utilize yr. 271. useful, helpful adj. 272. useless, futile, fruitless adj. 273. usual, customary,~abitual, wont adj. "" EXERCISE U V 274 valuable, precious adj. 275 value, appreciate, treasure vt. 276 vanish, disappear, fade, evaporate vi. "" 277 variety, diversity n. 278 venture, adventure n. 279 very, much, quite, so adv. 280 victory, triumph n. 281 view, scene, scenery, sight n. 282 visit, call at, call on, drop in v. EXERCISE V W 283.wait,await,expect v. 284.walk,stride,plod vi. 285.want,lack vt.& vi. 286.way,road,path,route n. 287.wear,dress,put on vt. 288.weighty,heavy adj. 289.when,while,as conj. 290.wind,breeze,gale n. 291.worry,annoy,harass vt. 292.worried,concerned,nervous adj. 293.worth,worthy,worthwhile aaj. 294.wound,harm,hurt,injure Vt. 295.wound,harm,hurt,injury n. 296.wrong,mistake,error,fault n. EXERCISE W Y 297.yet,but,however COnj. 298.yield,submit,comply,ohey v. 299.young,youthful,juvenile adj. Z 300.zero,naught,nil n. EXERCISE Y Z 自测题 自测题分析解答 附录I 练习参考答案 附录II IndeX①(索引) 附录III References(主要参考书目) |
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