Part One:Sample Tests (第一部分:模拟试题)
1.Sample Test One:General Training Module(模拟试题一,G类)
2.Sample Test Two:General Training Module(模拟试题二,G类)
3.Sample Test Three:General Training Module(模拟试题三,G类)
4.Sample Test Four:Academic Module(模拟试题四,A类)
5.Sample Test Five:Academic Module(模拟试题五,A类)
6.Sample Test Six:Academic Module(模拟试题六,A类)
Part Two:Diagnostic Tests(第二部分:诊断测试)
1.Test One:Spelling(测试一:拼写)
2.Test Two:Grammar(测试二:语法)
3.Test Three:Sentence Construction(测试三:句型结构)
Part Three:Writing Techniques in mLTS Testing
1.Letter Writing:Task 1 for the General Training Module
(G类作文Task 1:信件写作)
1.1 Rules and Requirements(规则与要求)
1.2 Assessment(评估)
1.3 Some Real Items of Letters Appeared in IELTS and Their
Sample Writings(出现在IELTS中的一些真题与范文)
1.4 Types of letters in IELTS(IELTS信件种类)
2.Report Writing:Task l for the Academic Module
(A类作文Task 1:报告写作)
2.1 Writing a How—to Report(写一个怎样做某事的报告)
2.2 Writing a Report Based on Statistics
2.3 Comparison and Contrast(比较与对比)
3.Descriptive Writing:Task 1 for the Academic Module
(A类作文Task 1:描述文写作)
3.1 Static Description(静物描述)
3.2 Process Description(过程描述)
3.3 Combination of Static and Process Description
4.Argumentative Writing:Task 2 for Both the General Training and
the Academic Module(G类和A类作文Task 2:议论文写作)
4.1 How to Plan an Argument(怎样计划论点)
4.2 How to Suppo~an Argument(怎样支持论点)
4.3 How to Organize an Argument(怎样组织论点)
4.4 How to Refute an Argument(怎样反驳论点)
4.5 Cause and Effect(原因与结果)
4.6 Argumentative Writing in IELTS(IELTS议论文写作
Part Four:Testing Skills(第四部分:测试技巧)
1.Analysing the Task(审题)
1.1 What Is the Topic?(题目是什么?)
1.2 What Is the Question?(问题是什么?)
1.3 Who Will Be the Audience?(谁将是读者?)
1.4 What Are the Task Requirements?(作文要求是什么?)
2.Writing an Outline(写提纲)
2.1 Writing an Outline for Task 1 of the Academic Module
(写A类作文Task 1的提纲)
2.2 Writing an Outline for Task 2(写Task 2的提纲)
3.Writing an Introduction(写导语)
3.1 Writing an Introduction for a Descriptive Essay(写描述文导语)
3.2 Writing an Introduction for a Repoa(写报告导语)
3.3 Writing an Introduction for an Argumentative Essav
4.Writing the Body(写正文)
4.1 Writing the Topic Sentence(写主题句)
4.2 Writing the Sentences That Explain and Illustrate
theTopic Sentence(写展开句)
5.Writing a Conclusion(写结尾)
5.1 Linking the Concluding Paragraph to the Introduction
5.2 Making Recommendations(提建议)