This book is designed to help both novices and old hands get the most enjoyment out of the game of Mah Jong. Experienced players will find information they are familiar with, but they will also find an extensive list of Mah Jong's most-played Special Hands.
We have already written of the history and basics of Mah Jong in our previous books, The Game of Mah Jong Illustrated (especially recommended for those addicted to computer games) and Improve Your Mah Jong, both published by Kangaroo Press...
The essential companion for the dedicated Mah Jong player who also enjoys the social aspect of the game. Since the arrival on the market of Patricia Thompson and Betty Maloney"s two previous books, The Game of Mah Jong Illustrated and Improve Your Mah Jong, a wide range of hands from many parts of the world has been sent to them.
In this player"s companion the authors have put together a cross-filed reference guide where over 120 hands, illustrated in colour, can be quickly identified by following the flip-top headings on each page. A full synopsis of each hand is included.
The extra hands give an international flavour to the book, adding new interest and challenges.
Introduction: How to Use This Book 4
Abbreviations 4
Scoring 4
Strategy 5
Short List 6
Illustrations of Special Hands 9
Long Runs 9
Short Runs 13
Chows 15
Pairs 16
Winds-One of Each 26
Winds-Pairs and Pungs 30
Dragons-One of Each 31
Dragons-Pairs 32
Dragons-Pungs 35
Winds and/or Dragons with Suits 38
All Honours 44
One Suit 47
Two Suits 50
Three Suits 51
Bamboo Suit 52
Bamboos with Dragons 54
Counters and Points System 55
Full Synopsis of Special Hands 56
Runs 56
Chows 56
Pairs 57
Winds 57
Dragons 58
All Honours 58
Winds and/or Dragons with Suits 59
One Suit 59
Two Suits 59
Three Suits 60
Bamboo Suit 60
Circle Suit 60
Character Suit 60
Pungs and Kongs 61
Tournament Organisation 62
Problems and Solutions 63
Index of Special Hands 65