Julian of Norwich (c. 1342 c. post I416)is the first Englishwoman to be identified as an author. This Norton Critical Edi-tion of the Showings has been carefully edited for the under-graduate reader. It includes a clear and concise introductionthat focuses on Julian's difficult theology and prepares studentsto understand the complex, controversial themes of the text.particularly Julian's solution to the problem of evil in BevelationXIII and XIV. The text is based on the early-seventeenth-centuryParis manuscript of the long version of the Showings, which hasbeen edited for modern readers--paragraph divisions emphasizethe thematic units of each chapter: sentences have been punc-tuated to help students better understand them: and detailedexplanatory annotations are provided throughout.
The Language of the Paris Manuscript
A Glossary of Frequently Used Words
The Text of Showings
Julian of Norwich·The Short Text of A Book of Showings
[A Woman as Teacher]
Margery Kempe·The Book of Margery Kempe
[A Visit w, ith Julian of Norwich]
[Meditation on the Passion]
Augustine·The Trinity [The Two Parts of the Mind]
Walter Hilton·The Scale of Perfection [The Two Parts of the Soul]
Aelred of Rievaulx·De Institutione Inclusarum [Jesus as Mother]
Anonymous·Ancrene Wisse (A Guide for Anchoresses)
[Jesus as Mother]
Grace M. Jantzen·From The Life of an Anchoress
Lynn Staley Johnson·[The Trope of the Scribe and the
Question of Literary Authority in the Texts of Julian of Norwich]
David Aers·From The Humanity of Christ: Reflections on
Julian of Norwich's Revelation of Love
Sandra J. McEntire·From The Likeness of God and the
Restoration of Humanity in Julian of Norwich's Showings
Joan M. Nuth·[Human Nature: The Image of God]
Caroline Walker Bynum·[Jesus as Mother]
B. A. Windeatt·The Art of Mystical Loving: Julian of Norwich
Selected Bibliography